The project of a bath with an arbor under one roof

Having a country house, many think about how to make it a room for recreation. Often, it is the bath that performs this function, and therefore its construction is baffled in the first place.

In order for this structure to perform even more functions, one of the options is to erect a gazebo under one roof with a bath, which will allow you to have a fun and cozy rest in any company.

Special features

The residents of private houses often revolve around household chores and concerns in the garden, but sooner or later such a cycle gets bored and you want something else.

The simplest and at the same time useful option would be to build a bath. This place will help to relax after a hard day, take a break from everyday troubles and be alone with yourself if there is such a need.To build such a building you only need to know how to do it, otherwise the project can be unsuccessful, and the construction is not only not functional, but also life-threatening.

In order for the bath to be able to steam up and wash, it is necessary to provide at least two rooms, but it is best to supplement them with a bathroom for complete comfort.

Being engaged in building a bath, special attention is paid to wiring, which must be fully protected from moisture and grounded. It is best for such responsible jobs to hire professionals to be completely confident in the quality of work.

After thinking about the bath, the first thing you need to think about her future project. Besides the fact that in the steam room you can give the body the opportunity to spend some time under the influence of high temperatures, and then take a contrast shower, friendly gatherings in good company are very pleasant.

In order not to break away from the process and one stage smoothly flowed into another, it is best to provide a room for rest either in the bathhouse itself or near it.

The most convenient and useful option is to build a bath with a gazebo under the same roof.This not only simplifies construction, but also makes it possible to easily move from one zone to another.

Properly planning a gazebo and placing a barbecue grill and barbecue in it, you can after a bath enjoy a tasty meal and really relax. If you spend a lot of time in the gazebo, you should equip the lighting and put comfortable and upholstered furniture in it for the most comfortable atmosphere.

The project of combining two buildings under the same roof allows solving several problems at once. This saves space on the plot, the possibility of placing a common box with electricity and organizing a meeting place after bath procedures for barbecues or dinner for the whole family.


Puzzled by the construction of a bathhouse with a gazebo under the same roof, the most important point, over which it’s time to break your head, will be the project of the new object.

It is calculated taking into account several factors:

  • the amount of free land for development;
  • the number of persons who will definitely visit the bathhouse and gazebo;
  • options for bath procedures that the owners intend to do.

If the site is very large and you can build a large number of objects on it, then you can plan a bathhouse with a gazebo on a large scale, so that there is where to sit and relax.

In the event that there is almost no territory for additional construction, you can organize two-story small houses, which will have everything you need.

Depending on the number of family members, relatives and friends who are frequent guests, it is necessary to provide for the size of the bath.

If everyone loves to steam and the number of those present in the steam room can reach ten people, then its dimensions should be appropriate. In the event that one or two people bathe, then you can make a small, but cozy house.

Given the preferences in bath procedures, you need to plan the future premises. For a steam room and a shower, you can make two small rooms and limit them to only.

Do not forget about the technical room where the furnace is located. You can add the remaining space under the bathroom. For those who like to plunge into cool water after a bath, You can build a small pool right in the bath, initially calculating its dimensions.

As soon as the approximate bath plan was thought out, you can think about the functional part of the gazebo.

Fans of tasty food in the open air will certainly install a barbecue with a brazier.You can also install a grill and cook any food you want. By properly planning out both rooms, you can easily place everyone who wants to steam up, and the resulting recreation area will serve several generations.

The presence of a common roof will not cause the need to cross from room to room, after the adoption of bath procedures you can go out into the fresh air, but at the same time remain in a warm and cozy closed gazebo.

As for the arbors themselves, they can be made of two types:

  • closed;
  • open

The first type is characterized by the construction of walls and the presence of windows that protect well those who are located inside. This option is best for those who like to take bath procedures all year round.. For such a function in this part of the building is placed a fireplace or other heating device.

In order for the room to be multifunctional, it is possible to provide removable structures for the summer period, which will allow to make an ordinary arbor.

The second type is considered lighter and combines the floor and roof with a bath.. In this case, neither windows nor walls are provided, the room is completely open.This option is far less versatile and suitable for use only in the warm season.

One of the options for planning the space of the summer cottage is to combine a bath with a gazebo in which the summer kitchen will be located. It is very convenient to cook in the hot hours outside, having access to fresh air and not heating the house, in which it is hot even without a stove.

For those who wish to make a good and reliable gazebo near the bathhouse, but not to close it completely, it is possible to organize a half-open structure, in which some walls will be partially closed, and the rest of the fully open. This will help to partially escape from rain or strong wind, but you will not be able to get full comfort.

When the construction of suburban areas takes place, the size of each construction is regulated by the size of the territory. If there is a lot of it, then you can build a large, sprawling house, outbuildings, make a bathhouse with a transition to an arbor and, if you wish, add more facilities.

As for the bath, such a complex will be a joy for those who love large spaces, giving the opportunity to retire and admire nature. A covered passage leading to the arbor zone is being constructed at the exit from the bath.where you can find a comfortable place to stay. The option is also relevant in those cases where both buildings existed by themselves, but it became necessary to connect them and make them one.

Very often, the height of the roof in the bath is different from the roof of the gazebo, which, in turn, makes it necessary to make a multi-level ceiling to beautifully put everything together. In order to avoid problems with leakage, special attention should be paid to the truss system.

Another option is a gazebo attached to the bath.. Its shape may be different, but most often create a hexagonal design.

Right next to the bath, an arbor frame is created, which will serve as a veranda as a finished product. The roof is extended to the finished structure, and on the sides of the beam they are connected using lattice structures, which look especially beautiful with wood carvings. The advantage of this option is that there are no separate transitions from one room to another, which saves both construction time and materials for it.

For those who do not want to spend time on complex structures, there is a simple and reliable way toto make a gazebo connected to the bath.

To the finished capital construction is placed next to the arbor frame, which not covered by a new roof, and the continuation of the one that is already in the bath. Shed roof in this case will combine the two buildings with minimal changes.

A more complex version of this project involves erection of a gazebo under a sloping roof, extending the finished bath structure.

If in the previous version the extension was on the side, then in this it is performed in front of the bath, increasing its length. If there is a desire to make a complex, then on the one hand from the bath you can lay the foundation of the built-in gazebo, and on the other - a full barbecue area. The existence of all three buildings together will be successful in the case of their simultaneous construction, which will provide an opportunity to build a strong and reliable structure.

When planning the construction of an additional structure to the sauna room, you need to consider the size, purpose and appearance of the building. In this case, either a flat or angular roof is formed, and if the houses are separate, then a covered passage connects them.

In cases where there is no time and materials to build something capital, can be used canopies and make a gazebo of scrap materials. If there is no need for such a zone at all, then the sauna, like the garages, can stand alone in the most convenient place for this room.


In order to build a bathhouse with an arbor, you can use almost any material.

The most popular of them are:

  • rounded tree;
  • profiled, edged or glued timber;
  • frame made of wood;
  • bricks;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • cellular concrete blocks;
  • cinder block.

Natural wood is considered the most popular and environmentally friendly. It is easy to work with it, it is easy to purchase and its cost is not as high as that of other materials. If solid wood was previously used, now it is replaced by various options, which does not significantly affect the quality of the finished building.

These include:

  • Round log - each part has special parameters that are set initially. Assembling the construction of them is very simple, and the cost of the material is not very high, because this option is very popular.
  • Wooden bars - several techniques are used to obtain them, one of them requires processing of whole wood species, and the second will require glue. With the help of this material it is convenient and easy to build a bathhouse or gazebo.

Oak baths are now extremely rare, because the material has a high thermal conductivity, and in the manufacture of the steam room from it you can get serious burns, thus the pleasure from the process will be spoiled.

If the outer bars are made of oak, then inside it is necessary to use another wood species., which has a low degree of thermal conductivity and will be safe for humans.

If earlier wood was used most often, then now one of the most popular ways is foam block and bricks. The price of each of them is different, as is the method of installation, because everyone can choose the method that suits him.

The most commonly used integrated layoutfor which foam concrete is used in the form of blocks and wood. Since the materials are lightweight, it is not necessary to spend forces and materials on a reinforced foundation.

It is easy to work with foam concrete, the blocks are sawn with a hacksaw and lined up as it should be.In the process of laying you need to do parallel and waterproofing, so that in the future there are no problems.

The next step will be the organization of the vapor barrier and ventilation.

For those who prefer the construction of premises from a bar, you need to know about its merits. Low level of thermal conductivity and environmental friendliness make this building material a priority. During use, you can feel the aroma of the tree, which will cause pleasant sensations and positively affect the entire body.

For the premises of the bar does not need insulation, because the cost of construction at times reduced.

The easiest and most reliable option would be brick, because exactly it has heat-resistant qualities and is resistant to low temperatures. This type of construction will serve for many years.

During the construction process, attention is paid to hydro and thermal insulation..

You can make a bath of stone, but it is much more expensive. The advantages include high strength and durability of structures.

A building of this type must have ventilation and exhaust ventilation; in addition, it is important to take care of the thermal insulation.

One of non-standard options materials for construction can be arbolit or wood concrete. As part of the cement, which binds organic sawdust reeds, straw and other things.

Of the advantages can be identified good strength and ability to dampen sound waves, the material is not afraid of changing weather and almost does not shrink. Among the shortcomings it is possible to note the need to carry out facade work, because wood concrete will not be aesthetically pleasing and attractive in finished form.

Roof structure

When planning the construction of a bathhouse with a gazebo in the country, it is important to take seriously not only the planning of the building itself, but also the construction of the roof for it. Wrong selection of material can ruin even the most successful venture. The roof structure itself can be single-pitch and double-gable.

Shed used for small spaceswhere the amount of precipitation and other substances falling on its surface will not be large and will easily be derived from the surface. Dvukhskatny options look good on large buildingswhere the presence of another option would be inappropriate. The extension in the form of a gazebo depends entirely on the type of the roof of the bath, if it is located in close proximity to it.

In the case of structures with a covered passage, the type of roof in each building may be different, the main thing is that they can be successfully combined.

Shed roofs are placed at an angle so that all the excess from it as quickly as possible leaves, precipitation flowed into the drain channel and drained as far as possible from the room. Dvukhskatnye roofs can also have a different angle, which depends on whether you plan on the roof of the attic or not, and how each side is large. The longer the ramp, the higher it should be raised.

In order to make a high-quality roof, it is necessary to lay a good foundation on which both the building and the roof for it will be placed.

Since the bath is usually constructed from heavy materials, and a gazebo from the lungs, the effect on the foundation is different.

In order to properly put the roof, it is better to let the building stand for about a year, and then place the timber on the settled rocks.

It is right to choose bars with dimensions of 150 by 150 mm, and boards 50 by 100 and 50 by 150 mm, which will serve as rafters and a part of other elements.

Next step - calculation of the number of rafters. The warmer in the region, the rarer the step, the colder - the more often. Production occurs only from high-quality materials, because any rotten pieces, traces of repairs, etc. can significantly spoil the final result. When the base is ready, it is connected by puffs and covered with flexible shingles. To lay it, you need to make a continuous crate with OSB or plywood.

All materials have their advantages and disadvantages. Some can be used together with others, some do not tolerate neighborhoods, because it is important to initially decide on what the bath and gazebo will be built from, and then plan their design and put it into practice.


Having the desire to create a bathhouse with a gazebo in one’s country house or private house, one can use various solutions. One of the interesting options would be a guest room, combined with a sauna room. This is a great way to accommodate guests who often come.

The functional version of the design can be attributed to the breakdown of the gazebo into two parts: one half will be a container of firewood, and in the second you can relax and chat with friends and family.

If an extension to the bath is provided only for the relax zone, then a barbecue and a shish kebab zone can be made separately by providing a simple canopy for it.

For those who want to steam in a wooden bathhouse in the Finnish style, you need to initially think over its appearance and materials. A rustic building with a steam room and sauna can be simple on the outside, but multi-functional and stylish on the inside.

Everyone has their own concept of style and beauty, and only the owner can say exactly what he wants to see in his plot. Russian style is characterized by the presence of special sun beds, a large heavy table and benches. Wood must be treated roughly to withstand the style.

If you want to make the interior more modern, you can add a billiard table or a TV. The decor of the walls of the Russian bath is made with the help of brooms and bundles of dry herbs.

To create a modern bath, you need to use metal elements and tiles. Country style involves a rough finish materials. Scandinavian involves a combination of strict lines and coarse processing of parts. The color scheme of such premises is predominantly light..

If there is a desire to create interesting and non-standard options for decorating the room, then the Japanese style will be the most suitable. In the design it is important to use a screen made of bamboo, furaco, a low podium on which the pillows will be laid out.. For such a bath does not need to build a steam room, you must install a barrel with pebbles and flavored sawdust and heat it all up to 60 degrees.

The most popular is the yacht style.. It combines metal, wood and textiles. Metal parts must be chrome plated. Fur is used for floor and wall coverings; it can also be used as a blanket on a sofa. For registration of internal walls lining is used.

The furniture is used from durable materials that are not afraid of moisture.

Tips and tricks

Having a bathhouse and a gazebo on the site, you can think of different ways to connect them. If there is no experience at all in such matters, it is better to invite a professional who will help you choose the right option, calculate the amount of materials and give useful tips on the construction process.

If the bath has not been built yet and only its construction is planned, it is better to make a gazebo in the project. Simultaneous construction of two objects at once under the same roof will reduce construction time and material costs, as well as increase functionality.

If the plot allows, you can make not only a bath, but also a whole pool.Any nuances should be calculated to the smallest detail. In this case, you need to work only with professionals, if there is no relevant education or experience. Only highly skilled advisers will help to create a bathing room that fits perfectly into the landscape and will delight their owners for many years.

Beautiful examples

In order to take inspiration and draw ideas, it is important to see the finished work in front of you. A bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof is a small room with enormous possibilities in terms of planning.

The use of identical wooden bars allows you to achieve a very beautiful appearance of the building. As a decorative effect, the upper bars have an elongated shape, and the edges are painted in a contrasting dark brown color. The arbor is made of the same material and has an open type. Spacious room prepared for cooking.

The bath is made of brick or foam blocks, and the arbor is decorated with stone. Its type is open, inside it contains the necessary furniture for rest and a brazier for cooking.

Bath is made of wood, but the walls are smooth and have a smooth surface.Arbor closed type fully glazed and serves as a full-fledged room in which you can be at any time of the year.

In the next video, see the interesting transformation of the gazebo in the bath.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
