Types of children's sofas

Modern children's sofas have a wide range of designs and types, which allows them to easily fit into the interior of an apartment or house. Such sofas can be functional furniture for children. First, such products are quickly and easily laid out in a place to sleep, and fold into their original state. A child with these tasks will be able to handle himself. Secondly, modern sofas are of reasonable size and perfectly placed in small children's rooms, without cluttering them and giving a place for games.

Features and benefits

Each parent asks the question of what furniture to choose for their child, so that it is of high quality and beautiful. These are very important criteria, because they provide guarantees of healthy sleep, and also create a good atmosphere for the development of the child.

To date, the market represents to customers a large and diverse range of children's furniture from different materials, types, shapes, sizes, designs.

To choose a children's sofa, the consumer must consider the features and advantages of each bed. The beautiful and lightweight design of the modern sofa makes it an entertainment for children and an addition to the interior of the room. It is important for parents availability and attractiveness at the price of such goods.

People who have children know that their children like everything that is soft, including comfortable furniture, which has a soft back and armrests. Manufacturers of children's furniture are guided by this, adjusting to the interests of consumers. On such wonderful sofas, babies feel safe.

In addition to saving space, this piece of furniture makes it possible to put a sheet, pillow and blanket in a box located in the lower part of the product. And some sofas have orthopedic built-in mattresses, so they are superior in comfort than regular children's beds.


When choosing furniture for sleeping with your child, parents must first familiarize themselves with a variety of children's sofas. Since for a child from 3 to 5 years the design of the bed is not so important as its safety, then the sofa bed with sides will be the most appropriate option for this group of kids. This design will save the child from falling at night, as well as prevent bedding from being crumpled. Experts advise for a small child to choose sofas with unstable shoes.

For older kids, even more sofa models are offered. Parents who have the desire to teach their child organization and the proper creation of their own space, it is better to buy a sofa bed with drawers at the bottom.

It is known that a child can use the lower laundry drawers for his own purposes (games). Therefore, when buying this type of furniture, I recommend immediately explaining to the child about the insecurity of this fun.

Some parents choose sliding sofas that are easy to fold and unfold. Such models are typical for saving room space.

The most common models with drawers - this is an eurobook. Its main drawbacks: uneven place to sleep because of the joints, the lack of armrests.

In the click-klyak model, the pillows lie on the sides and act as armrests.

Safe armrests are in the sofa model "accordion". This sofa is comfortable and easy folding of the bed.

The sofa-cross or couch, ottoman and sofa - furniture for daytime rest (short-term), therefore such products are not intended for a constant night sleep of children. It is better to use these items as a guest accommodation, that is, temporary use. However, with a lack of space in the apartment, children can be put to sleep on them too, although this is not very good.

Transformation mechanisms

Usually in children's sofas there are two types of transformation mechanisms: roll-out and folding.

The first type of furniture is very compact, it has drawers for storing children's underwear, there is no bed deformation after sleeping. But it is worth considering that in the unfolded form, such a model will seem lower than in the assembled state. The model of the second type is distinguished by its rigidity and weight. Because of this, a child of 3-7 years old will not be able to decompose the sofa himself.

Tips for choosing

Children all have different, and consequently, their tastes, too.On the market there is a huge variety of sofas for small users, but you should choose furniture according to the age of the child, so as not to get lost in the ocean of the proposed models.

The smallest will be interested in sofas in the form of toys: in the form of machines (for boys), carriages, soft toys (for girls).

Little girls like sofas made in the style of Hello Kitty (a character created by a Japanese artist and he became popular among children and for teenagers). For boys, you can consider such models as the sofa gnome, Winnie, McQueen. Children of preschool age may be interested in models in the form of a house or a rainbow.

Children would like to live in a fairy-tale world with fairy-tale creatures, in which there is a place to sleep and play. All these dreams can make the perfect "fabulous" furniture.

The hearts of the little boys of primary school are torn to meet adventures and travels, so they may like sofas in the form of ships, racing cars. But at the same time such a bed should look interesting and easy to transform.

To choose the right furniture for the child, you need to choose the size of the sofa bed correctly.The size of the furniture depends on several criteria: height, age and size of the most child room. For a child up to 7-10 years old, a single bed will be quite enough, for children of an elder age of -1.5. The most important thing is for the child to be comfortable and free for a restful, comfortable sleep.

It should be borne in mind that your child is constantly growing and the furniture has been bought for more than one year, so you should choose the length of the bed with a margin of about 30 centimeters more than its actual growth.

A low sofa is suitable for children of preschool and younger ages, and higher products for schoolchildren and teenagers.

The best offer for a child is a semi-soft sofa, which after sleep does not push through and does not take any form. Naturally, such a sofa has an orthopedic function.

It is necessary and even necessary to pay attention to the material of the product. Naturally, first of all you need to look at the upholstery and the inner filling of the soft parts - it should be hypoallergenic. It is recommended to choose a slightly soft upholstery fabric with small fibers, pleasant to the touch. As for the material, then everything must be natural.Otolichny option - a wooden sofa with cotton decoration.

Experts advise not to buy furniture with leather and synthetic coatings. Before buying, you need to ask the seller about the composition of adhesive joints. The manufacturer of children's furniture usually provides information in the accompanying documents, so it’s not difficult to find out such data.

Before buying, you should fold and fold the furniture many times in the store in the presence of the child - even if he tries to do the same.

It is advisable to choose a sofa bed to suit the child, and not according to you. After all, it should be comfortable and convenient, nothing, even if this furniture is contrary to your room color scheme. And it is important that she liked the future owner. Therefore, when choosing a sofa, he must be present.

So, these are the requirements for an ideal children's sofa:

  1. Soft armrests.
  2. Borders (if for a child up to 7-9 years).
  3. Round corners.
  4. Ecological clean material.
  5. The color of the sofa should be bright, but in no case poisonous.
  6. Design furniture design.
  7. Orthopedic insert in the bed couch (optional).
Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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