Studio apartment: zoning rules

In a one-room apartment, redevelopment options are very limited. The owners of such apartments have to find other effective ways to divide the room into zones.

Zoning is the only option by which you can divide the space into visible functional areas. This technique allows you to streamline the interior, using every square meter of usable area most effectively. To each family member to highlight their own personal corner, you need to try.

Principles of separation

In addition to the fact that each family member needs to be provided with his own space for sleep, rest and hobbies, it is necessary to organize a spacious storage system and leave room for free movement. The task is not simple, it requires fantasy.The art of design has reached such heights, which allows it to cope with the task of creating comfort and coziness even in a small square.

In order to properly zone a one-room apartment, it is important to consider the basic principles of the division of space.

Before starting work it is necessary:

  • Decide on the number of required functional areas. In each apartment you need to select at least 4 areas necessary for comfortable living: a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and a bathroom, a bedroom. Other zones (for example, workplace and children's) for each family are individual.
  • The layout of some apartments allows for the expansion of space due to the demolition of interior partitions or the association of the loggia with the dwelling. Before starting any work it is necessary to ensure the location of the supporting structures so as not to dismantle the load-bearing walls.
  • Making one room of up to 17 squares cozy and comfortable is not easy. Properly compiled plan, which takes into account every centimeter, will help to cope with the task much easier. Initially, it is necessary to determine the placement of all functional areas.
  • Combine the living room and bedroom in one room of 18 square meters. m is possible by allocating space for a separate double bed and upholstered furniture for receiving guests.
  • Kitchen and living room - the best option if the kitchen area allows you to place the upholstered furniture and a table for receiving guests.
  • Bedroom and children’s room - when combining such zones, it is important to take into account the interests of each family member in order to allocate a comfortable and cozy corner for everyone without overloading the interior.

It seems an impossible task to divide space into different zones. But for this it is important to know only the basic zoning methods that work in each apartment. To design an apartment was functional and comfortable, you can use different furnishings, from the screen to the furniture. The choice of colors and textures - not the last components in the design of a small apartment.


There are many ways to divide the space visually into different zones, and each of them has pros and cons.

Plasterboard partition ideal for zoning a spacious room, allows you to properly divide the room into zones. Visually, it will not differ from the concrete main wall. In this case, you can get two full separate rooms.Installation work will not take away a lot of manpower and equipment, while the false wall will have excellent sound insulation.

The partition can be flat solid, with an arched or rounded opening, a unique design. It all depends on the wishes: the partition can be made invisible or bright, catchy.

Installing a partition does not require the approval of redevelopment, which is an undeniable advantage. Among modern designers, this technique is considered obsolete, although it does not lose its popularity. The lack of natural lighting in the darker part of the room can be compensated by artificial light.

It is important to remember that such a partition is problematic to dismantle if necessary, for this it is necessary to carry out the entire complex of repair work in the room.

The simplest type of partition is a folding screen., with which you can easily divide the space into two parts. It does not require complicated installation, occupies a minimum of space and allows you to make a permutation without any special effort. The material of the screen can be different (bamboo, wood, metal mesh, textiles and other options).You can choose a stylish and uncluttered model that will complement the interior of the room.

Sliding partitions, installed on the wardrobe principle, allow you to completely hide a separate zone. They can have from two to six doors. If the detachable space does not have windows, it is better to choose a glass partition with a matte finish. So you can create a private atmosphere and fill the space with light.

The glass partition from floor to ceiling is called a French window. Located between the kitchen and the room, it will retain the lightness in the interior and reduce the number of smells in the room during cooking.

The partitions made in the Japanese style look great when one canvas “overlaps” with another.

Romantic atmosphere in the room will create curtainsWith their help, you can hide part of the room from prying eyes, create light outlines and decorate the interior. This is the easiest and most affordable option, if the chosen interior style allows.

Curtains or canopy can create an intimate setting, protect the bedroom area and create all the conditions for a comfortable stay. It is better to choose dense and light materials.Although light translucent tulle also cope with the task well, it will not create a secluded setting.

Perfectly beat zoning will help bamboo curtains or curtains, threads: the main thing is that they fit harmoniously into the overall style of the apartment.

Niches and racks are great for zoning rooms, while becoming an additional place to store books, souvenirs and other valuables. With the help of vertical shelves, you can save space and divide the room without overloading it. For this purpose, cabinets with through-shelves, shelves with a mirror wall are ideal.

Particularly noteworthy mobile mobile shelving on wheels, which can be moved in the room. With this design, you can hide the work area or bedroom.

The most modern and unusual reception is to divide a room - lift one of the zones with a podium. This method is great if you need to allocate an area for the living room and bedroom, bedroom and office. An additional height can be equipped with spacious drawers and used as a spacious storage system.Each functional area should be well lit. Artificial and natural light can serve as an enclosing structure.

Zoning the room can be visually.

To do this, you can choose different in color and texture wall coverings for each zone. The bedroom walls are best done in pastel shades, for the living room and kitchen it is worth choosing brighter and more saturated colors. For children suitable calm, but not dull color palette.

It is important to remember that the chosen colors should be combined and complement each other in the interior. It is better if the shades will belong to the same palette.


A small apartment requires a strict approach in the struggle for every centimeter. When choosing a zoning method for 1 room apartment, it is important to take into account the interests and hobbies of each family member. Any zoning methods are always individual.

If dad works a lot, you need to allocate a separate area for the desktop with a computer. If the child is involved in sports (for example, skiing), it is necessary to allocate a closet for storing equipment and clothing. Of course, this greatly complicates the zoning process.

For one person

The best way to zoning rooms for one person is to arrange the furniture correctly. It is enough to select the main areas: kitchen, living room and bedroom. To expand the space of the apartment, you can dismantle the walls, combine the kitchen and the room, get rid of unnecessary doorways. A balcony or loggia can be attached to a residential area and create a larger open space with which to work.

The dining table can be replaced by a bar counter, which will serve as a kind of border between the room and the kitchen. To create a private bedroom area, you can use curtains. They can completely repeat a wall, hide a glass partition or flow beautifully, imitating window curtains.

Their main advantages are:

  • do not take up much space;
  • they add charm and charm;
  • create the illusion of expanded space;
  • allow you to visually lift the ceiling;
  • do not require complicated installation;
  • easy to clean.

This way of sharing space is suitable for a small studio apartment. But if more than two people live in the apartment, it is better to choose other zoning options.

For family

For couples with children, zoning options for a small apartment are most relevant. The main hitch is that in the room and in the kitchen it is necessary to allocate a place for the living room and a nursery so that all zones are comfortable, cozy and functional. Proper separation, even in a small apartment, will create harmony and comfort in the family. Consider how comfortable and succinctly zoned a room when a family lives with a child in a room.

For the children's area is better to choose the warmest and bright half of the room. It is important to create a separate cozy corner for the baby.

While the child is small, you can use curtains, mobile partitions or screens, which will create a nook for sleeping. They do not let the bright light through. You should choose a contrasting color for the children's area. As the child grows, the needs of the child will change, it will be necessary to allocate additional space for games and studies, therefore, it will be necessary to update the wallpaper and make repairs in this area more often.

If the child is older, it is better to separate the children's false wall. With the help of drywall, you can confidently divide the room into equal two zones, so that both parents and children can relax comfortably.

You can also lift the nursery podium. This idea is sure to appeal to a child.On the walls, you can place a marker covering or wallpaper coloring, so that the child can develop creative skills.

It is difficult to imagine a full-fledged children's area combined with a living room or bedroom without transforming furniture. For the student it is better to choose multifunctional furniture, which has a single design and includes a desk, a bed, a wardrobe and a place to study, as well as a loft bed.

Of all the ways of separating a nursery and a bedroom, a false wall made of plasterboard is best.

This option of zoning has several advantages, among them relevant:

  • optimum sound insulation;
  • excellent light insulation;
  • simple installation;
  • low cost


One of the key recommendations is to use light shades, mirrors and to abandon the massive thick curtains on the windows. All conditions will allow you to visually expand the space, add room lightness and volume.

The lighting in the apartment should be bright and diffused, such light adds lightness to the room and creates an optical illusion of space. Use different sources of illumination, flat built-in ceiling lights, wall sconces and floor lamps are perfect here.

It is important to choose a style suitable for a one-room apartment. Laconic minimalism, modern classics, Scandinavian, eco and functional high-tech are great for a small room.

Transforming and compact modern furniture and loft beds are a must have for owners of small apartments. You can use different wall coverings: photo wallpapers with perspective, silk-screen printing, decorative plaster, paint.

It is better to limit to three colors in the interior, one of which will be necessarily light. You can use materials of different textures and colors for the floor (for example, a carpet can serve as a floor covering and act as a separator).

It is worth refusing:

  • curtains with thick cloth;
  • dark shades of walls and ceilings;
  • a large number of decorative elements and paintings on the walls;
  • the use of ordinary furniture, coffee tables and large cabinets;
  • burdening the interior with a multi-level ceiling;
  • a large ceiling chandelier in the center of the ceiling.

Beautiful examples in the interior

The excellent decision for division of space into zones - a rack. Instead of through shelves, you can use cabinets with a back wall, which can be used as a writing board.

As a partition you can use a tall cabinet, placing it perpendicular to the wall.

Separating different zones using color is the easiest and most affordable way. In this case, you can not use bulky partitions or sliding doors. The main thing is that the chosen color scheme in the whole apartment is ideally combined, and the shades complement each other.

A practical and convenient way of dividing a room is the podium, it has three indisputable advantages: visual selection of the zone, a spacious additional storage system, in the depths of the podium you can hide an extra bed.

Glass partition with satin or matte finish allows you to design the interior in the same style.

A few tips from the designer on zoning a one-room apartment can be obtained from the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
