Entrance wooden doors for a private house

At all times, people valued wooden doors for their beauty and attractiveness. Modern man is no exception, and the more geometric and uniform designs we have in our lives, the stronger we are drawn to the soft, refined forms of natural wood.


When before the owners of a private house there is a question of choosing the front door, usually there is a choice: to choose the metal structure or to stay on the wooden version.

There is a common misconception that metal doors are stronger, more durable and warmer.

However, this is not the case with any door that looks metal in appearance.

In the domestic market there are a lot of inexpensive Chinese exterior doors, which, being installed in the open air,they are covered with frost on the inside on cold days, “peeling off”, losing attractiveness, literally in the first months of operation, and do not at all contribute to heat saving inside the room.

A wooden entrance door, comparable in value to such a metal door, will at least be warmer, since wood has a hundred times less thermal conductivity than metal.

For comparison, the thermal conductivity of oak is 400 mW / (m · K), while the thermal conductivity of steel is 52000 mW / (m · K).

From these figures it is clear that in the heat of the metal doors will heat up and begin to give heat to the room, and in the cold they will freeze much faster than wooden ones.

And in the event that zealous owners decide to purchase insulated wooden doors, made by technology "Sandwich", they generally can forget about heat loss when the door is closed. Similar constructions Stably protect the interior at various temperatures, do not freeze through even in severe frosts due to the “puff” structure, they are provided with insulation along the outer contour and will additionally present owners with excellent sound insulation.

The external quality of the door is also important.It is possible to make unique door constructions from wood, which will decorate the entrance and be the pride of the owners of a private house, while at the best metal doors can only be decorated with wooden panels.

In terms of reliability, wooden entrance doors can have a gradation according to the levels of penetration and, like metal doors, are divided into resistance classes:

  • Opening the door is impossible when using physical force and simple tools;
  • No hand tools can open the door;
  • Hacking is not possible for medium power tools;
  • The maximum level of protection, resistance even from the use of small arms.


When choosing materials from which a wooden entrance door should be made, for most buyers the balance between price and quality is decisive. Manufacturers offer a large selection of raw materials, which can be dealt with by examining the properties and characteristics of various price categories of wood.


The most preferred option for the manufacture of entrance doors is an array, that is, natural wood board or timber.Separate an array of softwood and hardwood. Each of these categories has its own varieties, leaders and outsiders, some types of wood are more preferable for the manufacture of exterior doors, and some are not worth it.

If we consider the varieties growing on the territory of Russia, then oak, ash and white acacia occupy leading positions among the deciduous ones. By some indicators, ash is even more preferable than oak.

"Middle" in this list can be called maple, linden, walnut, alder. The use of beech for entrance doors is highly undesirable, since it is one of the most unstable to moisture of wood species. Cherry is also undesirable for use in the form of external doors, as it has low resistance to climatic changes.

Among conifers, the first place is shared by larch and cedar, and if we talk about larch, then the prerequisite for the high strength of its wood is growing in the harsh Siberian climate. Larch, carved on the territory of central Russia, is valued much less.

Pine, having a medium soft wood, is also used for the manufacture of external doors, but with significant reservations about the operating conditions. Solid spruce wood for street doors are not used.

Glued furniture bar

One more material of which reliable wooden entrance doors are made is glued laminated timber. When they talk about such a timber, they imply a monolith, resulting from individual spliced ​​boards (lamellae), assembled in a package and pressed. Such material is also called a furniture bar. In Russia, it is produced from pine and spruce wood, less often from cedar or larch.

Thanks to this technology, it became possible to use some particularly capricious types of wood in the production of doors, for example, linden. In the form of a “clean” massif, this type of wood is almost not found in view of the structural features of the trunk and a large abundance of knots.

Furniture timber is usually attributed to a variety of an array, since it is assembled from fairly large pieces of the board, although its grade is lower due to the presence of glue.

LVL timber

This type of timber can not be considered a solid wood, however, it has good user characteristics and may well serve as a material for the manufacture of entrance doors. The peculiarity of the structure of an LVL-bar is the gluing of numerous thin layers of veneer into a single monolith: bar or slab. The raw material for the production of such a timber is most often coniferous wood. These are pine and spruce, which, thanks to such a constructive reception, improve their working qualities, turning into quite solid and durable wood that can be used in damp and corrosive environments, for example, for street doors.

This material is currently being produced in only two plants in Russia, therefore, so far little is known to the domestic buyer. On the cut, such a bar resembles a puff pie, therefore it requires a mandatory coating. In order to give the doors of the LVL-bar an attractive appearance, they are veneered with expensive wood, such as oak, walnut or ash.

To install such veneered doors can be both as interior and for the entrance to a private house, however, it is undesirable to expose them to the open impact of natural precipitation.


This material is pressed wood dust, chips and lignin, which glues the mixture. Since lignin is also obtained from wood waste, there is reason to say that MDF is an environmentally friendly material. The surface can be veneered, painted or treated with PVC film.

It is not recommended to use it as a frame for entrance doors, since the layered structure of the material will quickly deteriorate under load. However, this material can be used in conjunction with the construction of an LVL-bar, a laminated timber-array, or as a lining on the surface of a door from an array, the appearance of which does not suit for some reason.

Tips for choosing

Buying a wooden door for a private house, first of all you should focus on the fact in which climatic conditions it will be used.

In the case when it comes to the temperate climate of the central zone of Russia, where winter frosts below - 30 ° are rare, you should not be puzzled by the search for a warmed sandwich door. You can simply purchase a quality door made of solid wood or laminated veneer lumber with a board thickness of 40 mm, which has a built-in insulation cord along the contour.

It is worth knowing that cedar wood has the lowest thermal conductivity, followed by larch, linden, pine, ash, maple and oak. The door of cedar is the best barrier from both frost and sunlight.

Additionally, it is necessary to take into account such a moment as the sensitivity of different types of wood to moisture. Least sensitive are cedar, larch, ash and acacia; pine has a tendency to mold, and therefore requires particularly thorough drying and processing at the production stage. Oak is also susceptible to moisture.

For those regions where winters are accompanied by severe frosts, it is advisable to purchase a warmed construction. Sandwich doors are available in stores in a sufficient range, but, if desired, they can be made to order.

This door has a special structure, thanks to which it is ideal as an entrance door. The outer surface is made of solid wood, often with panels or patterns, depending on the imagination of the master and the wishes of the customer. The size of this board can be from 40 mm to 50 mm in reinforced versions. Inside this structure there is a cavity for insulation,which is covered with another canvas from the board (for some manufacturers, the inner side is made of MDF, which reduces the cost).

As a heater can be used:

  • Minwat, which is not an ideal filler, as it tends to be sled and crumble, eventually forming unprotected areas, so-called “cold bridges”;
  • Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene), which also has a number of drawbacks: in cold winters condensate accumulates in it, leading to freezing and mold, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the filler;
  • Polyurethane, which is the best quality insulation, since polyurethane foam fills all voids and has a service life of 50 years.

Also for areas with a harsh climate, it is recommended to install tambour door structures, one door of which is insulated, and the second one is more subtle and has decorative values.

Between these doors there is always a layer of warm air that provides maximum protection from the cold.

How to choose the right door for a private house, see the following video.

Examples and options

Approaching the entrance to the country house, the visitor can already on the appearance of the front door can imagine the interior. And if it is elegant and made of high-quality natural wood, it is easy to assume that the owner is a practical person, reasonable and not devoid of taste.

A beautiful door in a rustic style, made of solid wood with the preservation of the natural color of wood, can give charm even to a modest brick house. Decorations in the form of forged flowers and an intricate lining with a ring look appropriate and create the impression that the guest was in front of the door to the old tavern. A similar impression is supported by a rough mat-mat and forged holders for torches on the sides of the door frame. From the whole structure it breathes with solidity, reliability and elegant simplicity, since the design is not overloaded with decorative elements.

It looks very worthy semicircular entrance door to the country house, made of solid wood color of wenge. The powerful door leaf has the usual rectangular shapes and is decorated with six carved panels.A feature of the design is the presence of an arched transom at the top, decorated in the form of a ventilation grille, thanks to the presence of which the modest door structure acquires additional height and refined forms. An indescribable charm contributes to this interior design mirror, located on the wall adjacent to the front door. It is also decorated in the form of an arch, decorated with elements of the finish along the butt seams and simply looks magically on a wall of brickwork.

For windy and frosty winters the best choice would be a blind sandwich door.

These doors do not shine usually exterior design, but bribe reliable protection from the cold.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
