How to insulate the entrance metal door?

With the arrival of cold weather, the owners who have reliable metal entrance doors have a global problem. The appearance of the door is deteriorating - there are drops of water, frost, ice on the inner surface. Changing the atmosphere of the dwelling. If you warm the front door, then all this can be avoided. This task can be solved independently without the involvement of specialists.

Materials and tools

Modern materials allow any home to protect from the cold.

For insulation of metal structures are used:

  • Styrofoam;
  • polystyrene;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • foil isolon, penofol;
  • sealant.

In addition to heaters, manual metalworking tools will also be required:

  • tape measure; pencil;
  • screwdriver, screwdriver;
  • drill with metal drills;
  • scissors or sharp knife;
  • awl, handsaw, jigsaw;
  • emery paper, adhesive tape;
  • glue (liquid nails), screws - screws;
  • acetone or alcohol.

Decorative materials:

  • MDF - decorative panels or plates;
  • decorative film with a pattern that repeats the texture of wood;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • dermatin, imitating the skin.

Do not neglect safety.

When performing plumbing work it is important to have:

  • gloves with a polymer coating;
  • goggles to protect the eyes from mechanical particles, fragments;
  • respirator for protection of respiratory organs.

What kind of insulation is better?

Safety of heat in your house depends on high-quality insulating material. When choosing it, it is important to consider the design of metal doors and their location.

Styrofoam obtained by foaming (filling with gas) polymers. One of the cheapest materials. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, is not afraid of moisture and retains its shape. The foam will keep well on the door of the apartment. In a private house, it will not be reliable enough, but if it is supplemented with mounting foam and a foil insulated sheet, then it will serve for many years. In case of fire, it releases chemical compounds harmful to human health.

For a good sound insulation enough slab thickness of three centimeters.

Styrofoam - material obtained from polystyrene and other styrene copolymers. More expensive than foam. Moisture-resistant insulation having heat-insulating and sound-proof properties. Dense foam, wear-resistant, safe for health. There are fireproof modifications.

Polystyrene - material obtained by styrene polymerization. It has dielectric properties, hard, has high thermal insulation properties, moisture resistant.

The materials listed above are ideally suited as a heater for the front door of a private house, country house. They provide excellent protection from moisture and frost.

Mineral wool - inorganic fibrous material. Effective as a heater. In the same price category as foam. Depending on the fiber is divided into groups: glass wool, slag and stone (basalt). It is made from natural non-combustible materials, environmentally friendly. Sold in the form of rolls or plates. If it is used to insulate the door in a private house, a water-repellent material is needed.

Polyurethane foam - material that belongs to gas-filled polymers. This group includes: foam rubber, ready-made insulating panels, polyurethane foam. Foam rubber has good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties. When burning highly toxic, refers to highly flammable substances. An exception is the special purpose foam rubber CMHR. It differs in special elasticity and fire safety.

Foil isolon, penofol - eco-friendly material. In the process of its manufacture is used foil and polyethylene foam. This is a modern, popular, economical, wear-resistant, moisture-resistant insulation. It has excellent sound insulation properties.

Thermal insulation door box do it yourself

For high-quality insulation of the front door, it is important to carry out the necessary work on the insulation of the box. It happens that workers, hurrying to install the door, leave a noticeable gap between the box and the sides of the doorway. When you start to warm your door, you must fill all the slots with foam. After it hardens, all protruding parts must be cleaned. Plastering joints and put in order.

After that, it is necessary to eliminate possible gaps between the metal door and the box. To do this, we purchase a silicone tape seal (you can foam). Along the perimeter of the door frame door handle alcohol or acetone. In those places where they adjoin, we paste a sealant. In order to glue it in the corners evenly, we overlap with two strips of the compactor, carefully cut off with a sharp knife or scissors at a 45 degree angle, remove the cut parts, and press the edges of the compactors firmly in the corner. Check the doorway for drafts.

The stages of the trim iron model

The sequence of actions in case of trimming an old door depends on its design. If the design is more modern and metal panels are attached to the base with screws, insulation is produced internally. Starting internal warming, we remove a metal design, we put on a working surface. We unscrew the screws and remove the metal panel (so that the screws unscrew well, lubricate them with engine oil). With a tape measure we take the dimensions of the internal door cells.

Carefully measure the material of insulation and cut off.Be sure to cut a place under the door lock and peephole. For old doors, foam plastic or foiled stone wool are excellent. We process the inner surface of the old construction with glue (liquid nails) and glue the prepared insulation. If there are gaps between the old door and insulation, fill them with foam. Work must be done carefully, squeezing the mounting foam in small portions. It is important to ensure that it does not fall on the mechanism of the bolt lock. For additional sound insulation between the insulation and sheet metal lay foil izolon. We close the construction with a metal blade and tighten the screws.

If the old door is made by fixing metal panels by welding, then proceed to weatheying the old door using the external method. Cooking wooden bars 20 (30) x20 mm. Measure the parameters and sawing slats to the required length. With the help of a drill, we make holes for the future fasteners in a metal sheet. We assemble the base of the harvested wooden bars and fasten the screws to the metal sheet.

Cooking insulation for a given size.Line and glue insulation in the cells between the slats. Fix the MDF panel or plate with screws. Additionally, for soundproofing from the outside or from the inside, the door can be treated with leatherette. To do this, bend the dermatin and fix the brackets. Lubricate the glue (liquid nails) lining and bending leatherette and firmly pressed to the metal sheet. This work is painstaking. At the last stage we install door locks, handles, peephole. We return the finished door in place.

When covering a single-layer metal door, it is necessary to measure the cells between the stiffeners. Cut out the inner material to the specified size. Vraspor glue insulation in the cavity. The gaps and small gaps are eliminated with the help of polyurethane foam. We decorate with MDF panel.

Improving the performance of Chinese products

The door of Chinese production is a non-separable structure. For its insulation we remove the door, put it horizontally. We remove pens, peephole, locks. Then we begin to attach the frame and stiffeners to it, both from the inside and the outside. Therefore, we choose a wooden bar with a thickness of 20 * 20 mm or more (we make a start from the thickness of the insulation material).If desired, you can weld the metal base, attach it with screws or weld to the door leaf, fill the joints with assembly foam.

The next step - laying insulation. If fibrous materials are selected (mineral wool, stone wool), we spread the water-repellent material in size larger than the cavity of the base, approximately 200 mm, fix it with glue (liquid nails) and line the wool, after cutting out a slightly larger canvas than the size of the base cells, and cover with another layer of water-repellent material. The edges of the film tightly turn over the top layer and secured with tape.

Insulation covered with an isolon foil or penofol foil side to the room. So soundproofing qualities of a door will improve. Polyfoam, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene, izolon foil in waterproofing do not need, as they themselves have water-repellent properties. Next, measure the distance between the stiffening ribs with a tape measure, cut the insulation slightly larger than necessary to avoid the formation of a cavity between the insulation and the door base. We glue insulation in the cavity with glue (liquid nails).

We fix the base attached to the surface with assembly foam at the joints. The next step is to decorate the structure with an MDF sheet panel or an alternative material. It is important to remember that the decorative panel needs to be fixed from bottom to top. We fix, put locks, peephole and handles, hang the door. Now the door keeps the house warm, and also protects against noise.

Without dismantling

Warming without dismantling is done in three ways. The first is suitable for metal doors with removable panels. To do this, unscrew the screws, starting from the bottom, moving up the canvas. We do not unscrew all the screws, put the metal door on the stand. Carefully advance the insulation treated with glue (liquid nails), fix. Foil isolon is suitable for this method. Screw the screws. The door is ready.

The second method is suitable for solid metal doors. From above we make holes, after making sure that there are no more holes and gaps. We take any crumbly insulation (non-combustible bulk wool, granulated foam, vermiculite, sawdust). We fall asleep into the holes, knock on the door in order to achieve complete filling of the cavity.This method is absolutely not suitable for doors with bolt locks. After filling on the holes impose plugs.

The third way is external warming. Fully follow a phased method of mounting an external method. You can stick insulation on the inner surface of the door.

Beautiful ideas

The appearance of the front door always emphasizes the status of the owner. Therefore, in a private house, the requirements are particularly high. It is important to take care of a decent image. The market of metal doors is full of various products. Pleases also the fact that doors can be ordered on the personal project.

And yet, how nice to work on the design yourself! We offer a few ideas for decorating metal doors with their own hands. The decoration of the door in the apartment is interesting in that the outer side can be decorated so as not to attract other people's attention. The simplest, most affordable way is to decorate a metal door with bright fittings. Outside, you can attach new numbers, put stylized handles, hinges, locks.

For those who prefer natural materials, we can recommend gluing the inside of the door with MDF panels or simple wooden slats.The design and color of the metal door of a private house, as well as the shape, depend on the style in which the house or cottage is built. For fittings, you can use forged parts, use stained glass windows, and glass inclusions. And instead of a modern call, you can hang a pen-knocker, gong.

The video below will help you independently make the warming of the entrance door.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
