Enamel PF-266: characteristics and color palette

In our country there is still a huge proportion of private wooden houses with wooden floors, just covered with paint. The modern chemical industry offers a wide range of paints and varnishes, which are specifically designed to cover wood products. Among them - enamel PF-266. What are its characteristics, and what color range there is, let's see.

Special features

PF-266 enamel is made on the basis of alkyd varnish. Its production in our country is governed by GOST 6465-76.

According to the standard, the composition also includes a coloring pigment, solvent, mineral fillers. Due to this content, a peculiar suspension is obtained, which, when applied to wood, provides not only a decorative function,but also protects the surface from the negative effects of the environment, such as moisture. In addition, the surface treated with this product becomes glossy.

    Enamel PF-266 is designed specifically for wood surfaces. It is intended for indoor use only. Outdoors, the coating will have a short operational life.

    Due to the availability of this product, it is often used to paint the floor in public buildings, such as gyms, dormitories, industrial warehouses. Private individuals rarely buy this paint, mainly for painting floors in old wooden houses or in a dacha dwelling.

      Before using PF-266 enamel, you should familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics:

      • This coating forms an even glossy coating on the surface. Film gloss is at least 50%.
      • Enamel gives the surface moisture resistance.
      • Well resists abrasion. Here, the strength index is 0.25 kg / μm.
      • It tolerates temperature drops from -40 to +60 degrees. You should not be afraid of the destruction of the coating in conditions when in the winter period the building is not operated and not heated.Also paint can be stored and transported at low temperatures. The quality of the product and the subsequent performance properties will not affect.
      • At a temperature of +20 degrees, its viscosity is 70-100 s.
      • The degree of milling paint - a maximum of 40%.
      • The consumption of the composition per layer is 80 g / sq. The number of layers depends on the color of the enamel.
      • The paint dries in 24 hours at ambient temperature not lower than 20 degrees. But the floor will be fully ready for the load in only three days. The surface will gain final strength only in 2 weeks. The completely dried film layer has a strength of at least 30 cm at the time of impact.
      • Flexural elasticity of the layer is 1 mm.
      • The adhesion of the paint to the concealed surface corresponds to 1 point.
      • Diluted with white spirit.
      • The volume of container into which the composition is poured in production can be found different. It ranges from 0.9 l to 50 l.


      The color scale of enamel PF-266 is quite limited. Here you will not find unusual bright colors, for example, red, blue. The color palette of this product includes only a few tones of brown. Among them, red-brown and yellow-brown enamels are very popular.

      Calculation of the required volume

      Consumption of enamel PF-266 depends on its color.As written above, it is 80 g per 1 m2. But it is necessary to apply the paint in at least two layers, and for a light golden-orange tint the number of coatings should increase to three. On this basis, in order to calculate the required volume of enamel, you need to multiply the area of ​​the room by 160 g for the colors of brown and terracotta shades, and by 240 g for the golden tone.

      At the same time, the volume of enamel needs to be bought with a small margin, that is, to round off the received amount of paint to a larger direction of the volume sold.

      Application rules

      So that the coating that forms the enamel PF-266, was persistent and beautiful, you need to do the work in several stages:

      • Surface preparation. At this stage it is necessary to clean the surface from dirt and dust. To do this, the floor is washed with soapy water, and then rinsed with clean water. After that, the retreated paint, if any, is removed from the surface, and the floor is washed out again.
      • Paint preparation. The jar opens, the film is removed from the surface of the suspension. Further, the composition is well mixed. To do this, you can use a wooden spatula. The enamel poured in the capacity of the increased volume, it is better to mix with a special mixer.
      • Dilution of the composition. If necessary, the enamel PF-266 can be diluted with white spirit. Moreover, its amount should not exceed 10% of the volume of the paint itself. That is, in the amount of enamel 1 kg, you can add only 100 g of solvent.
      • Application PF-266 enamel can be applied with a brush, roller or spray gun. The tool should be used depending on the area of ​​the floor, so you can use a brush to paint the baseboards, and paint the floor itself with a spray or roller.

      Since the paint is applied in at least two layers, for each coating to dry it is necessary to take breaks of at least 24 hours. When applying the composition it is worth remembering that alkyd varnish is quite toxic and you should use a respirator and gloves. In addition, at the end of the work, the room should be well ventilated to avoid poisoning.

      The difference between enamel PF-266 and PF-266M

      First of all, the enamel PF-266M from PF-266 distinguishes the material on which the composition is applied. PF-266M paint can be applied, except for wood, also on concrete surfaces. It is also made on the basis of alkyd varnish.

      The composition differs only in the introduction of additional fillers, which allow to increase the adhesion of the composition with a concrete floor.In this case, all specifications are fully preserved.

      The method of removing enamel PF-266 can be viewed in the video below.

      Information provided for reference purposes.For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

      Entrance hall

      Living room
