Classic fireplace in modern interior

The presence of a fireplace in the house, cottage or in the country - it is always comfort, a special atmosphere and aesthetics. In addition, the fireplace is placed not only to beautify the home, but also for an additional source of heat, which is especially important in central Russia. As for the design of fireplaces, today more and more people prefer the classics: English or American.

Elegance and practicality

A classic fireplace made of high-quality expensive materials looks fundamental, respectable and luxurious. Designers offering similar projects note that such an English style is suitable for rooms with large areas. This may not necessarily be a mansion - in an apartment with good footage today you can also make a real fireplace.This design will look original, attract attention and unite the entire interior of the apartment.

In your house or cottage, a room with a fireplace will become a kind of a place of rest and gathering of all households, as well as guests.

At the same time, elegant style plays an important role - it is in such an environment, according to psychologists, that the mind and heart acquire harmony, and the body relaxes and rests.

English style is also a real practicality: no extra parts and functional surfaces. On the fireplace you can put a different decor, the same clock in bronze, figurines, frames with photographs or candles in glass cups.

Types and features

A classic American or English fireplace can be purchased off-the-shelf or built from scratch. The first option is usually used for city apartments, and the second for houses and cottages. In addition, the room may not allow to install a structure with real wood and chimney, so you can purchase an analogue. It will perform a decorative function.

There are the following types of fireplaces for the hall:

    • Wood burning: They serve not only as decoration, but also as a heating system.They are fired with coal or firewood, have a portal with a classic structure and a chimney. The most suitable materials for their manufacture are stones, bricks, ceramics.
    • Cassette: with wood burning, they work by circulating air masses inside a special design. Such a fireplace can be made of brick, natural stone, marble, plaster. The advantage of this design is a small cost, and a minus does not hold heat when the wood stops burning. In addition, the door is quite hot.
    • Gas (biofireplaces): Consist of a portal and a burner. The rectangular cast iron burner has several holes for mounting and air intake. It can have automatic or manual control. This design gives off heat well and perfectly mimics the flame.
    • Electric: imitation of the real fireplace, working from a regular outlet.
    • False fireplaces: decorative designs, inside which may be, for example, wax or electronic candles.

    If you choose a traditional fireplace that you need to create from scratch at the stage of building a house, then you should take into account one main nuance regarding ordering.Strict compliance with it will allow to lay out the oven with high quality and in compliance with all standards, including safety.

    Simple classic order is good for bricks.

    It can be changed at will. But before proceeding with the installation, it is worth making a drawing on a piece of paper in a cage with the dimensions of the firebox. This type of installation is the following: a cubic portal on a low pedestal, then a so-called window sill, and above a few “steps” - a chimney.

    The order is angular and English. The first option looks pretty big and such a fireplace is most often installed not inside the premises, but on the terrace. The second option has a trapezoidal shape, a direct chimney and an open stove. From each other, these methods differ in complexity, shape of portals and chimneys and the amount of materials used.

    Use in the interior

    The classic design requires a lot of free space, in addition, you need to take into account all the proportions when installing it. The room should be well lit, the central portal can be seen from any angle.Another rule is that the higher the ceiling, the greater must be the fireplace so that the proportions of the room are not distorted.

    Today, designers can fit an American or English fireplace in almost any style.

    By the way, these two types differ from each other, rather in architecture than in materials: stone, marble or brick in England are laid down in strict lines with imitation of columns and a harmonious simple pattern. In America, they use stone, brick, and wood with elements of modern, baroque, and neoclassical.

    If we talk about the architecture of the premises, apartments and houses, today the ascetic high-tech dominates., but in such a style you can successfully enter the listed constructions. Modern standards recommend creating such fireplaces that combine stone and metal, wood and mosaic, tiles and cast-iron fireboxes, strict forms, columns and bright colors. Such options perfectly complement the interior and draw all the attention to it.

    For example, in a large bright room with dark wooden beams on the ceiling and colonial windows, it would be appropriate to look at a fireplace decorated with white stone, narrow rectangular simple columns and a smooth surface.As a decor, you can put a ceramic pot with a flower, glass vases in a minimalist style, mantel clocks. Faded silk carpets, shabby leather furniture, wooden cabinets and metal, bronze or cast-iron details - all this will advantageously complement the look.

    A rococo fireplace can look great in a home with an interesting design and futuristic notes: high ceilings, white walls, upholstered furniture of unusual round shape, metal decor items.

    The strict marble in the decoration echoes minimalism: smooth gray plain walls, white baseboards and doors, laconic furniture.

    Even in such an environment a luxurious marble fireplace looks appropriate.

    Another option is the traditional design of the room with a fireplace in the British style: beige shades of walls and furnishings, a portal of a fireplace made of stone and light columns, interspersed with wine tones, English furniture. On the sides of the design, you can put open bookcases in the same style and color as the fireplace, so that the wall looks solid. Such a room is more like an office (as, for example, Sherlock Holmes), but in a modern interpretation the room can perform other functions: to be a room for rest or reception of guests.

    Apartment owners do not have to install a real fireplace, because this will require, firstly, a lot of permits, and secondly, a lot of work so that the design complies with all safety parameters. The easiest way to get a false fireplace, which in beauty and aesthetics will practically not be inferior to the usual. In addition, this option is much easier to care for.

    An electric fireplace can be installed in a city apartment - it can also be English or American in style. It is better to use light shades, natural fabrics as the decoration of windows or furniture, wood, metal as accessories.

    Read more about what to look for when choosing a fireplace and how it is arranged, see the following video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

    Entrance hall

    Living room
