How to dissolve Moment glue?

Glue "Moment" is universal. People often resort to his help in everyday life, but, unfortunately, they sometimes forget about accuracy. It is better to engage in gluing items in old clothes and rubber gloves. But if the glue is still there, where it was not planned (on good clothes, on the hands of the master or on some objects), it should be cleaned.

If possible, remove the glue immediately before it dries. "Fresh" stain dissolve much easier than the old. If no recommended product is at hand, the contaminated area can be wetted with water. So the drying time of the tool will increase, and you will have time to find a suitable option for its removal.


This special tool is sold in almost all hardware stores.Outwardly, it looks like a tube of glue, but it acts diametrically opposed. Before buying carefully read the instructions. The fact is that antiqua is an aggressive chemical that is not suitable for all surfaces. Although it can be used to quickly and effectively remove stains from the floor, furniture, etc. It must be remembered that antiqua is a toxic substance, so you need to be careful to use and, of course, keep it away from children.

Acetone and nail polish removers

Work with acetone better outdoors. A cotton swab or cloth is moistened in the product. First, it is necessary to check the effect of the liquid on the barely visible part of the surface, since there is a possibility of loss of color of the material.

This method is suitable for removing glue from many coatings., including metal and wood. However, be careful with plastic and textiles. Acetone is detrimental for delicate fabrics (wool, velvet, silk), as well as for fabrics that contain acetate. After the glue is removed, the item must be washed or washed with soapy water.

Nail polish removers are much less “edible” than pure acetone.However, it is also better to first test for interaction with the surface being cleaned. The liquid is applied to the stain for 15-20 minutes, then the glue is removed with the hard side of the dishwashing sponge. After this thing is erased (or washed) in the usual way.

Gasoline and white spirit

These fluids are also aggressive, so they are best used in fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. The principle of operation in this case is similar to working with acetone. First, the interaction with the surface is checked on an inconspicuous area. Then gently apply the product with a cotton swab, remove residual glue and send the item in the wash (or wash it with soapy water). White spirit solvent is recommended as a means suitable for removing glue from iron and plastic.


This synthetic drug is sold in pharmacies. It dissolves the remains of glue on different surfaces, both solid and textile. It is recommended by craftsmen to remove traces of glue from monitors of laptops, tablets and phones. Work is proceeding in the same way: apply, wait, scrub, remove the remnants of the product with a napkin.

Vinegar and citric acid

From vinegar or citric acid it is also possible to prepare solutions for removing glue. The resulting compositions will be less effective than chemicals, but more gentle.

Recipe with citric acid: 25 g of acid is dissolved in a liter of water. Recipe for vinegar: one part vinegar needs to be diluted with two parts water. In one of the solutions you need to moisten a cloth with a cloth, and then with it you can gently try to wipe off the glue.

Soap solution

This method is suitable for removing dirt from the fabric. It is necessary to make a “strong” warm soap solution and soak the fabric in it for about 20 minutes. Then the thing should be washed.

In this case, a solution of any detergent can help. Of course, it will not dissolve all the glue at once, but will be able to soften it, which will facilitate removal. In the meantime, you will be busy preparing the soap solution, and your hands will be cleaned, if they are also soiled with glue.

Margarine, vegetable oil

Glue residue is also easily removed from the skin of the hands with the help of oil. They need to smear the contaminated area, wait 15 minutes, and then rinse the skin with warm water. Also with oil you can try to remove the glue stains from plastic and wood, but this method is only suitable for treated or polished wooden surfaces.It is worth considering, otherwise oil stains will be added to the glue stains.

Brush, sandpaper, scrub

Glue from the skin is well removed using any cosmetic scrub. Simply wash your hands with it, paying particular attention to contaminated sites. You can also resort to using a brush or even "sandpaper".


Contaminated thing for an hour placed in the freezer. Under the influence of cold, the structure of the glue is destroyed. Then you can gently brush it off your clothes with a stiff brush.

Methods for removing glue from clothing are clearly demonstrated in the video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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