Features of glass greenhouses

To obtain an early harvest of healthy and tasty vegetables and herbs, summer residents build greenhouses and greenhouses on their backyards. The modern market of garden equipment offers similar facilities of various shapes, sizes and designs.

The most popular greenhouses for many years remain glass constructions. They are not only not inferior to greenhouses of film and polycarbonate, but also surpass them in many respects. The glass greenhouse is a reliable assistant that will protect the crop from early frosts, diseases and pests and will increase the quantity and quality of the crop of vegetable crops.

Special features

Glass greenhouses are durable and reliable constructions that let the sun's rays in well and trap heat, which makes it possible to extend the summer season and makes it possible to harvest two crops.

They have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the ability to use for the design of both new material and used;
  • the possibility of self-manufacturing and installation of the product;
  • environmental Safety;
  • unlimited service life;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations and negative environmental effects;
  • ease of care;
  • neat appearance;
  • the possibility of applying designer toning under a certain color shade;
  • high transparency and transparency;
  • maximum use of daylight;
  • resistance to corrosion, rotting and deformation under the action of sunlight;
  • stability of thermal expansion;
  • reasonable price in the manufacture of old windows and doors;
  • the possibility of partial replacement of damaged items;
  • preservation of its properties throughout the entire period of operation;
  • resistance to acids, pesticides and chemical compounds.


  • the fragility and massiveness of the glass structure require a solid foundation and frame;
  • rapid warming of the air requires constant ventilation;
  • possible damage from strong wind, hail and mechanical effects;
  • the use of tempered glass will significantly increase the cost of construction;
  • high cost of material when it is replaced;
  • ultraviolet absorption.

Types of designs

At the moment, there are several types of the most popular designs of glass greenhouses on frames:

  • from steel pipes, high-quality examples are products of the Udacha and AGS trademarks, have a long service life, a high percentage of light penetration;
  • galvanized profiled pipes - aesthetic appearance and high quality products;
  • from wooden frames - an economical and budget version of the design;
  • from metal corners - require the experience of joining parts by welding;
  • their metal profile - glass is inserted into the grooves of the metal frame and fixed with adhesives and sealants.

An important stage in the creation of a structure is the compilation and design of drawings.

Use special programs with volumetric models or make a simple drawing on a sheet of paper - an individual choice of each builder.

For competent drawing up of drawings it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • determine the size of the required glass and its quantity;
  • select the type of foundation and material needed for the acquisition;
  • choose a frame of the required size;
  • calculate the surface area of ​​the glazing;
  • determine the length, width and height of the structure;
  • identify places for ventilation and installation of transoms and vents.

Particular attention should be paid to the design with a wooden frame.

The process of its installation consists of several stages:

  • construction of the lower binding;
  • mount vertical uprights;
  • construction of upper strapping;
  • roof and glass installation.

Professional builders with experience in metal and welding machines, advised to choose the design of the metal corners and work carried out in a certain sequence:

  • fix the corners in a horizontal direction with anchor bolts on the foundation;
  • make support and vertical racks;
  • weld the bottom trim;
  • weld the top trim;
  • connect the rafters and ridge of the roof;
  • weld together the top trim and rafters with a ridge;
  • swipe glazing.

Variety of shapes

There are several forms of glass greenhouses, possessing various degree of complexity at installation and the features:

  • Classic - a popular option, having a gable roof for effective removal of snow cover;
  • with a lean-to roof - a simple and inexpensive option, used as an extension on the south side to the fence or building;
  • Mitlider's greenhouse - a modernized version of a classic greenhouse, has a raised slope with built-in transoms for high-quality and efficient ventilation;
  • greenhouse-thermos is an expensive and time-consuming option, ideal for winter greenhouses, the design is located below the surface and has a brick or concrete wall;
  • dome - a complex structure of the frame with the use of non-standard glass, ideal arrangement of lighting, has a high degree of resistance to winds;
  • pyramidal - creates the optimum temperature for plants.


Experienced builders and gardeners are advised to follow some rules when installing a structure:

  • glass must be used with a minimum thickness of 4 mm;
  • when choosing materials for glazing, it is necessary to take into account the type of frame;
  • for winter greenhouses it is recommended to use high-quality heating system and artificial lighting;
  • in case of independent production of greenhouses from old windows and doors, it is necessary to carefully check the reliability of fixing the material to the frame;
  • to protect the metal frame from corrosion and moisture, it is necessary to process all its elements with special solutions;
  • for installation of a winter greenhouse it is necessary to use double-glazed windows with one or two chambers;
  • exact measurement of dimensions and construction of design drawings are required;
  • for areas with a large amount of snow cover, the angle of the slope must be increased.

    Before starting work on the installation of glass greenhouses, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of place in the country to install the structure.

    A site must meet several criteria:

    • the absence of shadow - uniform illumination of the entire area throughout the daylight hours, the best option is the south side;
    • flat surface - the area should be flat, without depressions and hillocks;
    • lack of winds and drafts - it is desirable location between buildings and on the ground with constant movement of air masses;
    • access to water and electricity supply sites - proximity to communications will significantly reduce the costs of supplying water and connecting to power grids.

    The foundation is a guarantee of durability and reliability of the structure.

    A glass greenhouse with heavy skin and volume frame must be installed on a monolithic strip foundation of concrete solution and a brick base with strict observance of technological standards:

    • prepare a construction site - remove debris, bushes and trees;
    • mark with a rope and pegs the place of the foundation;
    • dig a trench of fixed dimensions;
    • compact the bottom and walls of the trench;
    • pour gravel, slag or sand at least 10 cm thick;
    • install the formwork and fill it with prepared concrete solution;
    • lay for the strength of the bars of reinforcement and pour out the remaining solution;
    • Cover with plastic wrap and hold for 5 days, full curing will occur in a month.

    Basement construction professional builders advise to carry out in compliance with the following sequence of works:

    • stacking is carried out on a pre-prepared solution using a building level and a stretched rope;
    • remove excess solution until it hardens;
    • install anchor bolts in the designated places for subsequent fastening of the frame;
    • lay a layer of waterproofing material.

                        The most important stage of installation, requiring experience and professional knowledge and advice, is glazing.

                        It is carried out in several stages:

                        • fastening to the inside of the rack frame;
                        • cutting glass of the right size;
                        • installing glass in the right place, smeared with adhesive or silicone sealant;
                        • fixing from the outside with a prepared rail.

                        Beautiful examples

                        The modern world of design solutions opens up new aspects of the use of conventional glass greenhouses. The classic use of the design for the cultivation of vegetables and fruits fades into the background, although it remains a very popular and necessary process. Decorators and graphic artists filled the greenhouses with flower arrangements, and created unique places to relax at any time of the year.

                        Unique ideas are given us by nature itself and the world around us.

                        The light, transparent and almost imperceptible design of a glass greenhouse with beautiful flower arrangements will be a highlight of the summer cottage.

                        A greenhouse, made in the form of a garden with a resting place for all family members, will become a favorite structure for spending time even in inclement weather.

                        A brick foundation and a dark wooden frame will give the construction a look of reliability and high cost. This greenhouse will be a real decoration of the garden.

                        The air structure on the rough metal frame will extend the summer period and will warm it with its warmth in cold autumn days.

                        A reliable and beautiful structure on the territory near the house will become not only its decoration, but will also delight the owners with tasty, early and organic vegetables and greens.

                        The modern world and the ecological state of the environment introduce new rules into the life of people. Buying fresh vegetables and greens in the winter and early spring is expensive, and the presence of harmful nitrates makes them life-threatening. A greenhouse on the garden plot provides an opportunity not only to get the necessary harvest for the whole family, but also to decorate the area,make it a cozy place for relaxation and creative inspiration at any time of the year.

                        In the video below you will see how a glass greenhouse is being repaired.

                        Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

                        Entrance hall

                        Living room
