How to make a wooden garage with your own hands?

To date, most owners of private homes are trying to keep their cars, if they have any, in garages. This is absolutely explainable, because being in such a room, the car is less exposed to external environmental factors and is protected from prying eyes, and therefore its condition does not deteriorate as it exploits. The garage can also be used as a storage room for storing any things or products that are not too perishable.

Special features

A handmade wooden garage will be a good solution for a private home. The territory where it will be located must be fenced, as such a construction does not guarantee protection against thieves.

You should also say about the other shortcomings of the wooden garage:

    • not too long service life;
    • high fire hazard;
    • the need to handle building materials with special substances.

    They have many advantages:

      • availability due to the low price of building materials;
      • the possibility of self-construction;
      • ease of installation;
      • environmental Safety;
      • relative strength.

      There are several types of garages made of wood. The most popular are the construction of timber, which is the most durable and durable material.

      But building a log cabin on your own is not easy, and its price is quite high.

      At the same time, the log-in garage is considered a reliable structure, and it looks quite presentable from the outside.

      The most common options are garage buildings made of round logs. They also have a great look. In this case, you can buy ready-made building materials that are collected on the basis of the designer.

      The third category are garages on the basis of frame construction. It is on the frame will fall the main load. But the main advantage is that you can use any facing material.If there is a desire, you can make a garage out of a profiled sheet, and also from wooden boards or any other glued wooden material that is at hand.


      Many have problems with the construction of the garage at the design stage. This is not surprising, since this process is the most complex. The fact is that its importance lies in the need to think over the construction as much as possible, because the parameters of the structure for 2 cars will differ significantly from the characteristics of the garage structure for one car.

      A standard garage usually has parameters of 6 by 4 meters.

      Its height will be about three meters. But a garage of 6x4 m is a standard indicator. Two cars in it will not work, and the space for one will be more than enough. But it all depends on the characteristics of the car itself.

      If you need to calculate the parameters yourself, then when taking into account the dimensions of the car, you need to add 50 centimeters on each side to open the doors, one meter from the trunk and about 60 centimeters from the other side. Height is determined by the growth of the owner and in addition to it add another 1 meter.

      Calculation of the amount of materials

      Once the person has decided on the size, the project is a garage. It takes into account all the details and nuances that can be encountered in the construction of such a structure. We are talking about such things as the placement of lighting fixtures, driveways, paths, how the gates will open, what category they will belong to, and about many other important nuances. The project must necessarily reflect the type of building - whether it will be an extension to the house or an independent building. Depending on this, the number of building materials required will be different.

      Another factor that influences this moment is the technology chosen for construction.

      If we are talking about a frame model, it is necessary to calculate how much a profiled bar of different section, insulation, OSB-sheets, metal corners, self-tapping screws, wood and other materials will be needed.

      If the garage is built on a log technology, then we need rounded logs and insulation. You also need to think about what materials will be used for the roof.


      After all the calculations have been performed and re-checked, a place should be prepared for future construction. To do this, you need to markup. It can be made with the help of pegs and twine.After this, the area is cleaned of debris. If there are slopes or elevations on the plot, then they should be raised so that the ground is level.

      After this is done, the preparatory work begins. First you should pour the foundation. The most popular are pile or column foundations. They are used for lightweight buildings and represent pillars or piles that are mounted along the perimeter of the future garage into the ground.

      Piles are either filler, or ready. If the second option is planned, then wells are also needed.

      In case of independent construction, it is better to make inlet piles - for this you just need to make a mortar and pour it into the holes prepared in advance. Carrying out all these works is cheap, and some special knowledge is not required here.


      The first step, which determines the success of all further work, is the construction of the frame.

      It consists of three elements:

      • top trim;
      • racks;
      • bottom strapping.

      For the bottom strapping is used timber section of 100x50 mm. Racks are made of 150x150 mm timber, and floors and rafters are made of mini-timber 100x50 mm.

      The floor for the garage of logs is laid on the bottom trim, under which should be placed a layer of roofing material.

      The laid beam is fastened in the corners in one of two ways:

      • on the spike;
      • in the paw.

      It is worth remembering that the bond must be strong and reliable. After that, so-called lags are inserted into the bottom trim. This process is performed every 40-45 centimeters.

      If the length of the lags is very large, then you can install the supports along the entire length.which are easily made of brick columns. This must be done so that the floor does not sag under the weight. Between them, the distance should be no more than 60 centimeters. They should also be covered with roofing material. By the way, all wooden elements, including bars and logs, should be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

      After that, you can proceed to the construction of walls. Here the connection of the beam will be the same as that used previously.

      Rows to each other are attached using the so-called dowel pins - they call wedges of hard wood, which need to be driven into the holes drilled in advance. Nagels are embedded in boards so that during drying no gaps or holes form anywhere.In the upper crown also made cuts for construction bars.

      As for the roof, its shape will depend on the design and size of the garage structure. Usually it is either single-pitch or gable. If the garage is adjacent to the house, it is best to make a shed roof. If it is a separate building located at a distance from the house, then the gable option would be the best choice.

      After the roof is made, it crate is performed. A waterproofing layer of roofing felt is laid across the crate, and only after that the roofing material is already laid.

      Then you need to go back to work on the floor.

      It is best to make floors of grooved boards, which are fixed on the logs.

      It is necessary to fix them on the logs with the help of screws, or you can nail them with large-sized nails, because the floor has to withstand the weight of the car, and this, as a rule, is more than one ton.

      When the floor is ready, it should be completely covered with a special fire-fighting compound.which will significantly increase the resistance of the tree to high temperatures. And to further protect the building, the floors can be covered with metal sheets.If there is no financial opportunity to cover the floors completely, then this should be done at least in places where there is the greatest likelihood of spilling combustible and highly flammable liquids.

      Such a step-by-step instruction will easily allow you to create a garage quickly and relatively cheaply, and most importantly - independently.

      Tips and tricks

      Below are tips and advice that will make the garage more functional and convenient.

      If the garage is adjacent to the cottage of the two-story type, then it is best to make a staircase that would allow you to get into the house from the garage, and for certain types of house and garage construction - to the second floor. This approach is quite convenient because it allows you not to go out of the garage to the street, for example, in cold weather, but immediately get home.

      It is also a fairly common solution for many summer residents to have a connection between the garage and the basement, which is located under the house. But here again, everything will depend not only on the design of the house, but also on the garage itself. Many summer residents make a hole in the garage, which should be in any building of this type, and simply break through the passage to the basement, which is closed by tight doors.

      This is very convenient, as it allows you to transfer fruits, vegetables and preservation right from the basement or the cellar to the car in order to transport them home.

      If the car owner loves comfort, then the mobile gate type will be an interesting option for him. This is quite a popular option among motorists, because it uses automation, which allows you to open and close the gate without leaving the car with the remote.

      As you can see, building a garage with your own hands is quite a real deal. The main thing is to clearly calculate everything to the smallest detail: what is needed for building a garage, what are the needs for construction, to know the type of car that will be standing in the garage, and to understand why this structure is necessary.

      It should be remembered that even professional builders make mistakes, and therefore no one says how things can turn out.

      But with proper calculations, high-quality building materials and at least minimal building skills, even a person can make a qualitative, functional, roomy and aesthetic, in terms of appearance, garagewho had never had experience in the construction of such facilities. All must succeed if you follow the tips that were presented above.

      For information on how to make a wooden garage with your own hands, see the video below.

      Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

      Entrance hall

      Living room
