Garage project for 2 cars: layout features

Every day car owners are becoming more and more, and some of them own not one, but two cars at once. This is very convenient if there are several car lovers in the family, if you live in a townhouse outside the city, and in many other circumstances. In this case, you can think about building a garage for 2 cars.

In addition to convenient and safe storage of cars, their protection against thieves and bad weather, the garage also has other functions. The room can play the role of a pantry, where they will store equipment that has no place at home, bicycles, garden or building materials, items for car repairs.

In addition, a two-car garage can be equipped with a utility block or inspection pit.

Special features

In the modern world, a car is no longer a luxury, but a simple necessity, a convenient means of transportation. This is especially true of those who live outside the city in a cottage, and have to travel fairly long distances every day. But a garage for two cars is not just a room in which two vehicles will closely stand.

Before embarking on the design and construction of a double garage, it is necessary to take into account the important nuances:

  • Determine the storage space for wheels and equipment for car repairs, as well as sufficient space for maintenance.
  • Plan for secure parking.
  • Consider the type of garage doors and their number, as well as the material of the walls, roof and floors.
  • Plan a garage and home connection.
  • Take into account the fact that the next car can be purchased with other dimensions.
  • Plan the possibility of the entrance of two cars at once to the garage.

Perhaps the best option would be such a garage plan, in which the maintenance and operation of one car does not interfere with the use of a second car.

Most often, this is done by installing two separate gates.


To calculate the minimum size of the garage, you must take into account the dimensions of cars that park in the room. To determine the width to the dimensions of each machine is added at least a meter of space. At the exit, this will correspond to a half-meter clearance on each side of the parking lot, this is necessary for free opening of doors and trouble-free parking.

To calculate the optimal length, add a distance equal to the length of the car, plus another half a meter. This allows you to freely open the gate, and also gives unhindered access to the trunk of the car.

The desired height is selected based on the growth rate of the highest in the family of the car owner. To this figure is a surcharge of 0.5 meters. If the height of the car exceeds the height of a person, it is necessary to take into account its size with an open trunk.

Average room size for two cars: 7 meters wide, 7 meters long and 2.5 meters high, i.e. approximately 50 m2. However, the most convenient layout requires consideration of the dimensions of other elements that are placed in the garage. If you plan to install shelves or tools for repair, you need to take into account their size, as well as add at least half a meter, guaranteeing easy access.

In the case of the construction of a viewing pit with a lift, you need to plan the placement of the vehicle so that it is located at some distance from the underground structure. This is due to the fact that any underground space becomes a source of moisture that can destroy the metallic elements of a car through corrosion.

The sizes given above are characteristic for internal parameters of the room. For a correct calculation during construction, it is necessary to add the thickness of building materials used in the work, the dimensions of insulation and cladding. So, during the construction of a brick structure, you need to add at least 5-10 cm, block - 15-20 cm. The insulation layer requires taking into account at least another 7 cm wide.

The plaster used as a cladding material adds a minimum of three centimeters of width, plasterboard or wall paneling - 1.5 cm.

Door dimensions are calculated, depending on the parameters of the car. 30-50 cm are added to the height of the car body, an increase of 15-20 cm is made to the width. These are the minimum parameters and it is best to increase them to avoid unpleasant situations. In addition, the height is directly dependent on the type of gate.So, for some models, it is necessary to allocate a place where a box with a sash closing system will be placed.

But the first step in calculating the size of the gate - the choice of the number of entrances. For a room with one gate, the calculated widths must be doubled, the height remains the same. This design has a fairly large area, and therefore needs to be reinforced, as the degree of load increases significantly. In addition, it is necessary to additionally equip the garage with a door, as if the gate leaf is opened frequently, warm air will quickly leave the room.

To determine the size of the two-turn system, you need to add about a meter of width to the single-turn system. In addition, it will be important to take into account the thickness of the frame and the insulating layer. Two gates make the garage easier to operate, and it also meets safety standards. If an unpleasant incident occurs, the cars will be able to leave unhindered, regardless of each other.

Two openings reduce heat loss in the building, as well as reduce the load on the work of the gate opening mechanisms.


Before you start building a garage, you must make a detailed plan to avoid mistakes during the work.The layout of windows and doors, gates is marked on the typical plan, the place for their opening and closing is taken into account.

Double boxing can be of two types:

  • single section;
  • two-piece.

It is worth noting that in the construction of several sections you can take into account the dimensions of the car and make one part of the roof higher than the other.

Building a two-car garage has certain benefits:

  • Savings, as the number of building materials required is reduced significantly.
  • Laying communications need to be done only once.
  • Cars are located next to each other.

    He has disadvantages:

    • Check-in can be tricky.
    • It is necessary to allocate a large enough area for construction.
    • If you have problems with parking, you can hit the second car.
    • In case of emergency, for example, fire or flooding, both cars will immediately be hit.

    When planning a project, it is necessary to consider the space in front of the garage. From the outside, it is worthwhile to foresee the construction of a small carport, which will protect from rain or sun, in the event that there is no point in putting the car on a long parking lot inside.In the double garage there is also the possibility of organizing additional internal space. One of its types can be an economic unit - an excellent solution for storing a variety of different things, which can also act as a workshop. The basement is also useful for storing various canned goods and supplies for the winter.

      When designing a business unit, it is worth adding about 2-3 meters to the width of the room. In addition, the necessary arrangement of the partition. Hozblok usually located on the opposite side of the gate. In the case when the garage is attached to the house, the economic unit should be located between the place where the cars are and the wall of the house. Such measures will reduce the level of noise coming from the garage, as well as reduce heat loss.

      Another variant of the combined garage is a room for 2 cars with an attic. The roof can also be used for storing various things and even for living. Attic space is often built to save space on the site and reduce the cost of construction. When building the second floor of the garage, reinforcement of the bearing walls and the foundation, as well as insulation of the walls of the room and improvement of the ventilation system are required.This is due to the fact that otherwise the smell of exhaust from the car and the cold air from the street will be heard from the ground floor.

      If the garage is planned to be placed directly in the house, then it is important to take into account the level of groundwater. If it is too high, then in no case should a garage be located in the basement. If the garage is located in an extension, it is necessary to level the floors so that there are no differences between the level of coverage in different rooms.

      Another important detail that should be taken into account when planning is wall insulation. It is believed that additional warming is not necessary, unless the garage is not a living room, and also there will not be work in the winter. A machine standing in a warm room is more likely to be destroyed by corrosion. This is due to the fact that the increased formation of condensate begins after the arrival of the car from a cold street in a warm garage.

      The project of the garage can be ordered from professionals who will carry out the necessary measurements and provide a ready-made plan. And you can do it yourself, but it is very important to make measurements correctly and take into account all the necessary factors so that the building will last for many years and be convenient to use.

      Construction materials

      During the construction of any object it is necessary to draw up an estimate of the cost of construction. Therefore, at the design stage, it is necessary to determine what material the garage will be built from.

      • Brick. This is a very popular material for construction. Brick buildings attract the attention of a presentable appearance, are distinguished by durability and quality. Such buildings can often be found at the owners of townhouses.

      Its disadvantage is rather high price and long construction time. When building a brick room, it is important to strengthen the foundation, as this is a rather heavy material.

      • Tree. The advantage of using wood is that it is an environmentally friendly material, which has a fairly low cost, with high quality. For a tree characterized by low weight and good thermal insulation.
      • Concrete foam blocks. This is another fairly popular option for the construction of the garage. Foam block garage does not require strong financial investments. Its advantages are not only low price, but also a long service life and resistance to fire. Its only drawback is not too attractive appearance.


      Frame construction is carried out only with the help of professionals. Specialists will develop the project, make the parts, and then simply assemble them on the site. The elements are made of natural materials, and the construction process takes minimal time.

      Used in the construction of a brick or aerated concrete, and maybe some other option, most importantly, first of all to correctly determine the size of the room. Then the construction of the garage does not require large material investments.


      A few useful tips, taken into account at the stages of design and construction, will make the operation of the garage even more convenient and comfortable.

      • To reduce the height of the lamps can be placed on the walls, not on the ceiling.
      • In order to protect cars from impact, in the event that a garage is provided for access to a house or to the street, it is worth increasing the distance between the door and the parking lot of the car.
      • Choosing the width of the gate, pay attention to the driveway. It is better to invest additional meters, planning its width, especially if the road is not at a right angle.
      • If it is planned to lay the cellar or pit, it must be done before pouring the foundation.
      • The internal space of the garage should be marked with colored lines or tiled. Contoured parking spaces will simplify navigation and relieve you from worries about unsuccessful parking.
      • The economic unit, if available, must be equipped with a separate outlet. This is done to avoid getting into the room odors from the garage.
      • Installation of an additional door for entry and exit on foot. Do not constantly use the gate, as this leads to a loosening of the mechanism.

      With a lack of confidence in the calculations and features of the layout, it is worth contacting experts. It is also recommended to do this if the soil at the site has specific features or if an individual complex project is required.

      How to equip the garage for 2 cars, see the following video.

      Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

      Entrance hall

      Living room
