Ceiling from lining in interior design

How and how to sheathe the ceiling, so that it is not only beautiful, but also practical, and, if possible, environmentally friendly, interests many. Specialists of the variety of finishes emit lining clapboard material, which is one of the most common ways to finish the ceiling.

Special features

The origin of the name of the building material is interesting. Previously, transport cars were sheathed with wooden slats, which were then used in interior decoration. This is how the generic name for wood material came about.

Its main feature is naturalness. The room in which the ceiling is trimmed with wooden clapboard breathes. A natural microclimate is formed in it due to such a property of a tree as the absorption of moisture when it is abundant and released when it is scarce.

Distinctive features are:

  • naturalness and naturalness;
  • durability and reliability in use;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • security;
  • resistance to rotting processes;
  • ease of care;
  • ease of installation;
  • originality of appearance;
  • full health safety;
  • Great opportunity to hide communication.

Wooden lining is the ancestor of such products as metal and plastic lining. A feature of all kinds is its shape and installation. The classic of the genre - wood paneling is suitable for decorating various surfaces, including the ceiling. The existing disadvantage is weak moisture and heat resistance today is easily eliminated. Necessary impregnations will easily cope with this problem..

The plastic version of the ceiling lining is primarily budget. Produced by seamless technology, attractive and elegant. However, it has a number of serious drawbacks. The main one is its fragility. Over time, it loses its whiteness, fades and turns yellow. Subjected to mechanical stress and temperature reactions.

Lining, manufactured from sheet steel and aluminum, is more often used in the decoration of the facade of the house, but it can be used in outbuildings, courtyard buildings. Aluminum product almost foreverthat can not be said about the analog. Inexpensive material - short-lived. Minor damage to the protective layer leads to an irreversible process - the deterioration of a thin metal.

Due to the many types of lining suitable for finishing ceilings in rooms with different operating requirements and aesthetic demands.

How to choose a material?

There are many manufacturers of this material, only the quality of products sometimes wants to leave the best. In order not to be mistaken in the acquisition, you should carefully examine it at the time of purchase. Pay attention to every little thing.

Packaging - you should be alerted if the wall paneling is sold packed in plastic. This fact speaks of the low quality of the goods, as the seller is not allowed to tear off the film and pull out the panel for inspection. Also film-covered panels are exposed to moisture due to non-ventilation. This package has a negative impact on the quality of even first-class materials.

If possible, scrupulously check the plate itself. A slight curvature jeopardizes the result of the work performed. It is better to refuse such a product.. First, there will be difficulties during installation. Secondly, even having mounted it, there is no guarantee that it will last for a long time.

If visual inspection is beyond doubt, inspect the surface. Transverse waves may appear on the board. The most thorough inspection required docking structures (grooves and ridges). In no case should they contain chips or cracks.

It is advisable for inspection to have a clip that can identify the wave. If any is found, the klyimer cannot be set as needed. Note that the assembly is easy when attempting to connect individual panels.

Be sure to use the device, if available in the store, to measure the humidity of the wall panel.. Take the time to survey your purchase - this will serve as a guarantee of the final result.

Choosing a finishing material, it is necessary to have an idea about its specification. Wooden lining is divided into four categories of quality. They have significant differences. It is impossible to choose a quality material without paying attention to them.

  • Class A products Fully suitable for cladding the ceiling.Here errors are possible, such as tar spots (not more than two), non-through cracks (one - two), one knot is allowed.
  • Class "B" - relatively good stuff. Its use in residential premises is undesirable due to aesthetic characteristics. This is an increased number of blind cracks, knots, and tar stains.
  • Class "C" products has low quality. It is used for lining only outbuildings. In this group, the criteria are completely different - dropping out knots, through cracks, pitch pockets. However, this material is not a complete marriage.
  • Products class "Extra" characterized by the complete absence of any defects. This is an ideal option for finishing the ceilings.

This classification is a traveling asterisk when choosing wooden lining. The type of wood affects the performance characteristics of the manufactured product.


Unusually and originally looks white ceiling in combination with various materials. Lining on the ceiling in modern design is popular and in demand, as the trend for economical materials contributes to the creation of a unique style.And lining is just such a product, characterized by a natural texture, adequate cost and ease of installation.

For its creation using different tree species:

  • The peculiarity of pine products of soft brown shades attracts customers with an affordable price.
  • Lining made of spruce, an interesting budget material. The final stage is the painting of the surface, since the structure of the tree is not very pronounced.
  • The main advantages of the product from larch are durability, rich shade and expressiveness of wood texture. This breed tolerates moisture.
  • The linden, plastic by origin, possesses attractive golden shades.

Coniferous types of lining durable, practical, resistant to moisture. Undesirable in rooms with constantly high temperatures. As excreted tar can cause fire. Hardwood species are processed and tinted.

The white color, which is the basis in any style, perfectly combines with other colors and is able to visually expand the space. Preference is given to oil and acrylic paints.Having processed a surface protecting from moisture penetration and insects with a solution, it is possible to prolong its expiration date.

Lining creates an elegant picture with a variety of combinations of diagonal stripes.

To create a variety in the interior of the room allow the creation of individual elements on the ceiling - around the chandelier, for example. An interesting note in the interior will be the ceiling of plastic lining, different in texture and printed pattern. With the help of panels of contrasting colors zoning of the room is possible.

Design finds using this material will allow the owner to give a unique and individual character of their home.

  • narrow and long panels expand the space;
  • designs from lines harmoniously merge into any style;
  • a lattice structure with cross-rails creates an image of a ceiling with beams;
  • looks great lining with plates of different widths of plastic;
  • stacking MDF panels in different directions, they achieve a magnificent imitation of natural wood;
  • luxuries in finishing are achieved by applying white color, diluted with gold or silver tone;
  • trendy interiors prefer rack style;
  • Looks impressive combination of wooden and painted ceilings.

There is an opinion about the suitability of such ceilings only on balconies or in country houses. It is wrong.

In the living room it is appropriate to use this material in the design of the ceiling. Varnished strips are able to transform the surface. It is possible to construct an image of girder floors in alpine chalets or hunting houses. This effect can be achieved by contrasting color of the finishing elements.

Remember: to get a solid image, you need to decorate the whole interior in one style. Painted lining will create a cozy atmosphere for relaxing in the popular Provence style, so necessary in the bedroom. A barely noticeable element of antiquity and unsurpassed charm will be acquired in the combination of forged furniture and varnished details of the coating.

A more careful choice of such a product will allow you to avoid a negative impact on people suffering from allergic reactions to secreted essential compounds. The kitchen will be an ideal room with a clapboard ceiling..

An excellent option will also be the design in the above style.Here you can use beige, white, blue tones for the color of the panels. Beautiful will turn the interior decor in a conceived way. A room with stylish appliances and steel surfaces of household items will look great.

A natural-type ceiling would be appropriate in a kitchen with natural stone decor or its imitation. The use of panels painted in combination with other objects of color, suitable for the design of the corridor. Do not lose sight of the additional details and the general appearance of the interior.

Children's and office are made out by analogy. In the nursery, a careful and meticulous approach to such coverage is also needed. The only room in the house where it is not recommended to install the ceiling of the wall paneling can be a bathroom. Excessive moisture can cause coating to break.


Calculate the required amount of this material for ceiling decoration is easy, but painstaking. And the calculation should be done carefully so that the end result does not bring disappointments in the form of additional costs (time, money, nerves). It is advisable to purchase goods with a certain margin.You need to start with a clearly developed plan on the direction of fastening elements. All this fix on the drawing.

Using these records it is easier to calculate the cost of the product. The area of ​​the ceiling is calculated elementary: the width is multiplied by the din (as an example, ab is 3x4 = 12). For accurate calculation, it is necessary to know the dimensions of the chosen cladding material. These data should be indicated on the packaging of the material and comply with state standards. Dividing the ceiling area on the area of ​​one board, you will learn how many panels will be needed.

Ordinary mathematics. But do not forget about the fastening nuance, that is, the presence of grooves and ridges. Here there will be a reduction in the width of each board. Such a calculation can be made manually. It threatens to spend a lot of time and effort.

Online calculator programs will come to the rescue. Only knowledge of the basic parameters of the panel is needed - width, length, height and thickness. Based on practice, it is noted that the results of two similar measurements do not have significant differences. Accuracy of measurements will keep the budget allocated for the repair, protect it from unnecessary cuttings. but Do not forget about the rule of rounding up a fractional value and adding to it 15% of the strategic material reserve.

You can immediately calculate the cost of the material. When buying, you need to know the parameters of the lining and the required quantity. And do not forget about the factors that affect the cost: the price depends on the size of the wall panel, if accurately measured, it will be possible to acquire the necessary cash. Now it is safe to start the installation work.


To perform any work must be carefully prepared. Any special skills would be required, there would be a desire. But to assemble a tool, without which nothing will work out exactly, is necessary. You will need several types of building level.. Without roulette will have work, as they say, by sight, which is absolutely unacceptable. Need a hammer, hacksaw, jigsaw and screwdriver.

In that case, if the crate is from a metal profile, it is better to use scissors. When installing the casing, use a drill with a percussion mechanism or a perforator with a concrete ceiling. The minimum diameter of the drill - at least 6-7 mm. By the time the skin will take a little time, if done the correct calculation and clear markup. Caracas for mounting panels can be of two types - wood and metal. The first option is considered more optimal. It is cheaper and easier to work with.

Wooden crate will require:

  • beam 4x4 cm, respectively, of the ceiling area;
  • brackets;
  • wooden or plastic wedges;
  • self-tapping screws.

For the metal frame needed:

  • metallic profile;
  • suspension;
  • fasteners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • anchors.

If necessary, lining should be dried before installation. Clean the ceiling itself from dirt, dust and old plaster. Find key cue points using a level. The first will be the lowest point of the ceiling, which is transferred to all walls and is connected around the perimeter by a single line. These are landmarks for crates bars.

A small nuance: in places where the guides do not adhere to the overlap, use wedges.

Ceilings with such cladding do not tolerate differences in height and warps. The crate is mounted on dowels. The fastening distance between the bars depends on the material from which the lining is made.Mounting the frame, you can begin the trim. It is advisable to perform this work together.

  • The first panel is fixed to the wall with a spike. Boards need to mount strictly perpendicular to the crate.
  • Before fixing with a level, adjust its position.
  • The second track, tightly inserted into the grooves of the first, reinforce the place of laying of the frame.
  • All other panels are mounted by analogy. As practice suggests, the last board often has to be cut. To make the seam less noticeable, place it away from public view. During installation, measure immediately and the holes for lighting and communications. It is necessary to hammer carefully.
  • The finished ceiling is decorated with wooden skirting around the perimeter. It is desirable to varnish wooden lining and plinths. Possible and painting option.

Tips and tricks

Ceiling decoration with clapboard plays an important role in creating comfort in the house.

In order for it to remain in pristine condition for a long time, remember:

  • it is not recommended to wet it;
  • use a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth for cleaning;
  • stains are treated with a weak solvent;
  • masters advise periodically to treat the surface with antiseptics and flame retardants;
  • it must be fastened very carefully;
  • give preference to natural materials.

The ceiling of eurolining can be made both in a brick house and in an apartment. Lining it is necessary to take only quality and mount it, following the step by step instructions.

You can choose a material that has patterns. This option is most suitable for an attic or loggia, it will also be beneficial to look at the cottage.

Mirror lining looks stylish. You can put family photos on it. In this case, it must certainly be wide.

When laying it is necessary, first of all, to correctly set the guidelines. Thus, hem lining your own hands will be easier. Laying the material must be tight, carefully docked. Then it is important to nail the wall panel so that the filing should last you for many years.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Wooden beams on the ceiling make the room visually wider. Also such a ceiling covering looks very stylish and interesting.

This ceiling covering fits perfectly into any interior style.To him you can pick up all sorts of elements of beautiful decor.

              The ceiling covering of the wall panel does not burden the room at all.

              Beautiful examples of the design of wooden ceilings in the interior, you can see in this video.

              Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

              Entrance hall

              Living room
