How to make a greenhouse out of window frames?

Today, greenhouses are built from a variety of materials. It can be polycarbonate, and metal-plastic, and other similar elements. However, many consumers are aiming to quickly build an inexpensive greenhouse with more affordable and easy-to-use materials. Quite good constructions turn out from usual window frames. Today we will analyze in detail how to properly make a greenhouse of such parts.

Special features

It is not a secret for anyone that the presence of a greenhouse on the site allows to improve and increase the yield in the cool springtime, when it is not possible to plant the plants in the open soil. Young sprouts and seeds in greenhouse conditions grow and develop quite quickly, and by the time of the first warm days they start to bloom.

Currently, most of the owners of apartments and private houses are changing old wooden windows for plastic in their homes. As a rule, after the completion of all installation work, the old frames are simply disposed of - thrown out, removed away as unnecessary. In fact, such details can still be useful. With their use, it will be possible to build a neat and inexpensive greenhouse.

Do not get rid of the glass in such elements. They will be needed for the greenhouse, as they are able to maintain an optimal and comfortable temperature for the plants.

With the use of old wooden frames, you can build a very reliable and strong frame.which will support the construction of the greenhouse for many years.

Vane windows will be useful in such buildings. They are useful for providing ventilation in the greenhouse. In addition, with these elements it is possible to regulate the temperature in the inner part of the whole structure.

In itself, wood is a reliable and sustainable material, but it will be expensive to buy new wooden parts for the manufacture of a greenhouse, as they will be expensive.That is why buildings assembled from old window frames are an excellent and inexpensive solution.

In addition to wooden, plastic glass windows are often used in the construction of greenhouses. Many owners use in the construction of such buildings old balcony windows that have an impressive weight.

If you dwell on the main advantages of such structures, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • In the inner part of the greenhouse there will always be high-quality ventilation due to the vents on the old windows.
  • With the help of window frames made of wood or PVC material it will be possible to build a stationary and non-separable greenhouse in the shortest possible time.
  • Under these conditions, flowers, fruits and vegetables can be grown year-round.
  • The greenhouse, built of old frames, is also good because it has excellent thermal insulation properties.
  • In such a building it is possible to install additional lighting. Thus, in the greenhouse from the windows will be able to combine both natural and artificial lighting.

Serious flaws in such structures are not observed.The only drawback noted by many users is that it is difficult to find the required number of frames of the same size, so that the greenhouse is more even and neat.

Home-made greenhouses from window frames - a phenomenon not infrequent. It is quite possible to build similar designs by yourself. Moreover, such work, as a rule, does not take much time and effort.

Independent construction

As a rule, inexpensive greenhouses from the old windows are made by the owners themselves. Such works cannot be called too difficult and inaccessible, but one should follow a certain algorithm of actions in order to result in a greenhouse of high quality and reliable.

Preparation of drawings

First you need to make all the preparatory work. Directly to the assembly of the greenhouse can proceed only after this stage. Otherwise, the design may turn out uneven, and its location will not be the most successful.

First you need to find the right amount of wooden window frames with the same size. If you could not stock up on such elements, then you will have to apply all your skills and abilities relating to architectural issues.You will have to measure each frame separately, write the resulting value on the paper, and then try to make a suitable drawing.

When drawing up a greenhouse project, it is necessary to consider the following parameters:

  • The ratio of the dimensions of the frames and the height you need. The recommended height of the walls in the greenhouse is 180 cm. If you can not put the frames on each other, then you will have to slightly increase the walls at the bottom with the use of other materials.
  • Roof. Often for the construction of the roof choose a metal frame or timber. These dense and reliable materials are necessary because they can accumulate snow in the winter season. Under its load, fragile roofs will break.
  • Also, when drawing up a greenhouse drawing, it is necessary to take into account the roof ridge. It is recommended to direct it along the north-south axis so that sufficient and correct illumination is present in the greenhouse.

Only with the use of the drawing you can build a neat and aesthetic greenhouse.

It is not recommended to use different-sized parts, since it is unlikely that they will be able to achieve the correct geometry of the building. At the same time, the tightness of the greenhouse will suffer, which is undesirable for it.

Location selection

For the installation of greenhouses from old windows, it is very important to choose a suitable place, since the functionality of such a structure will depend on it. Experts recommend placing greenhouses exclusively on flat surfaces that are sufficiently illuminated by the sun from all sides.

Besides, it is necessary to choose a place protected from constant and strong winds. There should not be high buildings or trees near the greenhouse - they will create large shadows that can fall on the plants in a panic.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the greenhouse from the old windows should be so that its longitudinal side is from the north to the south.


The land under the greenhouse must be dry and clean. According to experts, the most successful is the option in which under the black earth there is a sandy layer of soil.

Glasses in old frames often have considerable weight, so the ground under the greenhouse should be well tamped. This criterion is especially important when it comes to installing a greenhouse without pouring a foundation.

If your site is located in a clay area, then the chosen place will need to properly prepare for the installation of the greenhouse.To do this, you need to make a blind area from the gravel of the middle fraction, and then build a special cushion of sand with a thickness of at least 10 cm. On such a basis you will need to fill up the fertile soil.

When choosing a site for the construction of a greenhouse, you must consider the location of groundwater. They should be located at a depth of at least 1.5 m. If the soil in your area is too wet, then it is not recommended to build a heavy greenhouse out of window frames on it.


Greenhouses of window frames can have different designs. Consider the most popular options that many users choose:

  • It is possible to use cladding boards for the bottom of the frame. With this design, weeding the beds, you just do not damage the glass elements and do not hurt yourself. Similar problems can be avoided when perekop or watering the beds.
  • In the already finished frame you can insert glass from the same window frames. Such a design will look especially attractive and interesting.
  • Window frames can be docked with each other. With such a design greenhouse design will not be the most presentable.And if the frames differ in size parameters, it will be very difficult to connect them.

Some gardeners prefer to build high-quality greenhouses not from wooden window frames, but from double-glazed windows with plastic profiles. Someone buys them specifically for such construction work, and someone in the arsenal has unnecessary PVC construction. Greenhouses from such materials are very durable and reliable. They are not subject to mechanical damage and serve for a very long time. However, double-glazed windows have an impressive weight, so they can be installed only on well-prepared and dry soil (preferably with a foundation).

The most popular designs of glass are windows connected in a row on all sides of the building. Similar structures can be supplemented with a gable roof of similar materials.

Heavy greenhouses from glass can have any shape and structure. They can be built in a mini format or made very large - it all depends on the desires of the owners. Of course, the classic are greenhouses of square and rectangular shape. Slightly less common polygonal designs.

Detailed guide

To build a high-quality greenhouse from window frames with your own hands, you need to stock up on the following tools:

  • a hammer;
  • a screwdriver (it can be electric);
  • circular saw;
  • chisel;
  • special drills for woodworking;
  • building level;
  • gon;
  • tape measure;
  • foam;
  • fasteners.

If you have already chosen a suitable place to install a greenhouse on the plot, then you can proceed to the construction of the foundation. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended to do it, if it is required by the ground and the weight of the future structure.

Consider step by step instructions for the installation of the foundation under the greenhouse:

  1. To begin, the selected area must be cleaned of dirt, debris, weeds, stumps and other similar elements.
  2. After that, you need to transfer the size of the greenhouse to a cleaned area and score small stakes around the perimeter. Between them should stretch the cord or rope.
  3. Further, in each corner and near the sides, it is necessary to dig out small pits, the depth of which should be no more than 0.5 m - the level of soil freezing.
  4. In the pits need to fall asleep gravel, and then ram it.
  5. The next step will be the construction of the formwork.Asbestos-cement pipe with a diameter of not more than 15 cm should be inserted into each pit. Next, align and insert the armature.
  6. Strengthen the structure with bricks, and then pour the concrete.
  7. Further on the foundation, it is necessary to assemble the lower crown of timber and fasten it with iron plates.

Consider that the concrete is completely dry only after a couple of weeks. After that, the area under the greenhouse must be laid out with a brick around the perimeter. As a result, you will get a flat plane, thanks to which it will be easier and easier to assemble a greenhouse.

Then you can proceed to the manufacture of the frame of the greenhouse. To do this, you can use a bar or plank. But first you need to measure the width of the frames. Measure along the perimeter of the poured foundation segments that exceed the width of the window structures by 5-7 cm. These places should be noted.

In the marked points you need to fix the stand of the bar, having the same height. Then on the top of the pillars you need to stretch the thread. Use with this level, so that the top could be adjusted. If there are outstanding elements on the pillars, then they need to be cut.

After that, you need to take the timber and put it on the tops in a horizontal position. Thus, you will get a kind of cell for installing window frames.Now you should mount the windows themselves, not forgetting the doors and vents. Mount all parts as securely as possible. Be careful not to break the glass elements.

All gaps and joints should be treated with foam. It is recommended to coat the dried foam with a putty or paint - this will help protect this material from excessive drying.

The final step in the construction of the greenhouse will be the installation of the roof. It can be double or single. Let us consider in more detail the process of installing the roof on the example of a single-sided construction:

  • First you need to lay the boards on the wall piping under the support rafters. Be sure to mark the slots for mounting inclined beams of the future roof.
  • Stand in each corner of the side wall to form a slope. Between them, you need to put a bar. The front part of the roof will be attached to it.
  • Now you need to install the side boards in the roof and attach them to the front part on the screws.
  • Make grooves under the rafter boards in the extreme board. For this, it is recommended to use a special template, which is a cut out letter “P”.
  • Next you need to tighten the cord and check that all the rafters are located in the same plane.Top laying roofing material. Experts advise to use for this purpose material from cellular polycarbonate, glass or special film.

As a result, you should have an attractive and neat greenhouse. The main thing is not to use the level in all stages so that the design is level.

Opinion of the owners

Greenhouses collected from old wooden or PVC frames are found in many areas. The popularity of such structures is explained by their cheapness and rather simple construction.

As a rule, reviews of greenhouse frames are positive. Such buildings to many owners seemed very warm. Such conditions are very comfortable for the growth and flowering of various plantings.

In addition, many users noted that the construction of such greenhouses seemed to them quite simple. The main thing is to pre-select a suitable place to build and make a detailed drawing of the greenhouse. Then during the installation process you will not encounter various problems and inconsistencies.

However, some people claim that their greenhouses from old frames have served for less than 5 years, after which they began to rot in the lower part in contact with the ground.Owners who are faced with such problems recommend painting greenhouses annually in order to prolong their lifespan. Other significant flaws users have not noticed.

Useful tips

If you are going to mount a greenhouse out of window frames with your own hands, then you should take into account some recommendations from professionals. Perhaps they will help you avoid many problems in the process of making a greenhouse:

  • When building a greenhouse from window frames, it is recommended to use an electric tool - jigsaw, screwdriver. It is much easier to work with such devices.
  • Consider that the greenhouse from old frames will be suitable only for home plots. It is hardly possible to grow vegetables and fruits on an industrial scale in them - for such plantations a more reliable and expensive metal construction is required.
  • If you want to make a frame of a greenhouse from a timber, and not from boards, then you need to take into account its thickness. Too thin bars may not bear the weight of the whole structure. Such buildings will not last long.
  • To make the whole structure more stable and reliable, you should install vertical supports.They are recommended to prepare at the construction stage of the frame.
  • If you want to lay a roof consisting of polycarbonate on the greenhouse from the windows, it is better to insert the glass only after all the roofing work has been completed.
  • For the arrangement of the roof is not recommended to use old windows. It is better to use a special polyethylene film or polycarbonate instead of such elements.
  • When the roof of the greenhouse is completely transparent, it must be treated with a chalk suspension, because too much light will penetrate the room and it will be very hot in it. With the help of additional processing, you will provide a small shadow to the space.
  • It was mentioned above that greenhouses can be built not only from old wooden, but also from plastic windows. Of course, such a construction will be more reliable and durable, however, it will cost much more - it must be taken into account if you decide to build such a structure.
  • Use only dry bars when building. If they do not dry out completely, then in the process of using the greenhouse the wood will begin to warp. Such defects can lead to cracking of windows.
  • When pouring the foundation for a greenhouse, it is not at all necessary to use reinforcement or piles. According to experienced gardeners, buying such parts, you just spend the extra money, because for such reasons, as a rule, do not need additional reinforcement.
  • Glass replacement (if necessary) is recommended only after completion of all installation work. So the risk of damage will be minimized.
  • When you have completed all the installation work and covered the roof, it is recommended to check once again how truly you have built everything.
  • It should be borne in mind that greenhouses from window frames require constant care. They need to be regularly washed, cleaned, and strengthened connections. Thus, you extend the life of such a structure.
  • If you want to give the greenhouse a more interesting and attractive look, its outer surface can be painted in your favorite color. As for painting the greenhouse inside, everything depends on your preferences.

Beautiful examples for inspiration.

Many owners build greenhouses on their plots not only for growing various plants, vegetables and fruits, but also to decorate the landscape,after all, well-constructed structures always look attractive and original. With the help of such products, you can transform a plot and add zest to it.

Large greenhouses built from plastic windows look very nice and neat. They can be located triangular matte roof of polycarbonate. Such structures in the backyard plots look inconspicuous, but organic, especially if they are surrounded by greenery or lawn.

If you have built a small greenhouse on the site (for example, for growing flowers) from wooden frames with a low triangular roof, then you can give it a more interesting and expressive look by painting it white and adding hanging pots with multi-colored flowers. It is also possible to arrange ornamental bushes around such a structure. In a single ensemble with live plants, such a greenhouse will look great.

Interestingly on the plots look mini-greenhouses. They may have a wooden, brick or stone box, complemented by top opening window shutters with glass. According to the owners, to use such designs are very simple and convenient. In addition, they look very unusual.

How to make a greenhouse with window frames with your own hands, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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