We choose mills for lining

If the interior of your home leaves much to be desired, I want to make repairs, but just pokleit wallpaper is already boring and completely uninteresting. Then clapboard cladding will be an excellent solution to your problem. Covering walls with do-it-yourself decorative boards will be an ideal creative solution for you, and the use of lining will reduce your time to search for materials for lining. You can choose the materials for the repair yourself; you can either get the lining ready-made, processed board, or process it yourself; .

What are the mills for?

In order to sheathe the walls, it will not be enough for you to use special boards, in addition to them you will need to purchase a hand mill, as well as attachments for it - cutters. The milling cutter is a special nozzle for the tool, having any shape, on which the teeth are applied, which during rotation have a mechanical effect on the object. With the help of these cloves, you can cut various objects, process them, grind and so on.

In today's market there is a huge selection of different attachments, the main ones are:

  • end;
  • edging;
  • cylindrical;
  • disk.


Trailer mills on a tree in many cases have an integral design, compound types meet seldom. Such nozzles work mainly on the principle of the load produced on wood by the side edge. In addition to the formation of compounds on the boards, end mills can be used to process the end, as well as to create complex patterns on wood.


This type of cutter is the most popular among the masters of their craft, these nozzles are designed to form the edge of the board. Due to the peculiarities of its structure, edge mills can create the edge of variousintricacy, without going deep into the wood.


This type is divided into several types:

  • conical - used to create wood carving;
  • spiral - needed for the manufacture of the edge of the board;
  • grooving - designed to create grooves of different shapes and types.

Disk drives

They are the most convenient for the creation and processing of cladding boards (clapboard).

Disk mills are used for different purposes:

  • for processing of lining;
  • for processing the panel;
  • for processing and grinding stone;
  • for metal;
  • specialized nozzles for various wooden products.

Cutters for handwork with clapboard, in turn, are divided into 3 types:

  • non-bearing;
  • bearing;
  • edging.

In the manufacture of the board itself, you will need bearing or edge cutters; for detailed processing, bearing-free attachments will be suitable for which you will need to purchase specialized equipment.

Lining is a special board with a groove on one side and a tongue on the other. Therefore, we need two types of cutters, the function of each of them will be designed specifically for processing the board on one side.The difference between the cutters may be the diameter of the shank, the magnitude of which depends on the power required for their use.

Each disk mill has a standard design, it consists of:

  • the basis of the nozzle is the axis on which the entire main part is fixed;
  • two disks are mounted on top of the axle, on which the cutting knives are located;
  • in the disks is the bearing.

The cutting teeth of the nozzle can be independently sharpened 3-4 times for reuse.

Milling machine

This machine with interchangeable nozzles. Milling cutter is mainly used for processing wooden products, but when purchasing additional equipment on it, you can also process plastic and metal. This machine has a rather small size for its functionality, it can be used for almost all purposes, from the manufacture of various parts to the processing of furniture and household products.

Milling tools are of various kinds:

  • upper;
  • edging;
  • lamellar

The use of such a device is very convenient and functional.

Independent production of lining

Step by step instructions for the execution of works.

  1. First you need to prepare or purchase flat boards of the size you need. The length is better to choose no more than two meters in order to work with the material was more convenient. Width must be selected and calculated independently (usually it is made of 8-10 cm). When trimming boards, the remnants of the material do not need to be thrown away; you can make connecting strips from them.
  2. Then you need to process the board with high quality, preparing it for work.
  3. After the board has been completely processed, you can proceed to cut the groove and groove. During this work, everything must be done clearly and measuredly, since the probability of doing something wrong at this stage is quite large. The board must be well and firmly fixed, the table on which the work will be done must be in a stable position. The depth of the groove and the width of the tongue must be constantly adjusted, since even with minimal displacement the board will be damaged.
  4. In some cases, it will not be possible to do with a manual cutter, since in the production of, for example, a calibrated board, you will need more complex equipment - a surface gauge.

Throughout the time of work, you must comply with all safety measures, you must use safety glasses and gloves, as at all stages of processing you can get different types of injuries.

Choice of wood cutters

When choosing mills, one should take into account all their features, firstly, it is desirable that the mills be made with high quality, in most cases the brand is a guarantee of quality, so buying the best tools that have already been tested by time, such brands include Shtil tools. Secondly, it is necessary to be guided by the strength of the material from which the mill is made; it must be selected on the basis of what material this tool will need to work with. And, thirdly, you need to choose the right type and type of tool that fits your type of work, for example, as mentioned above - a disc milling tool is more suitable for working with clapboard.


Summing up, we can say that a person who is used to doing the work with his own hands should have a set of all types of cutters to work with various materials and various details.

In our case, it can be noted that when performing facing works all types of cutters are suitable, but for working with clapboard it is preferable to use disc cutters that are of different types, each of these types is necessary at different stages of work.

            After all the work, you will receive not only a beautiful interior view of your home and a storm of positive emotions, but also considerable savings, because when you buy ready-made facing boards, you will have to spend almost twice as much as purchasing a set of all the necessary tools and making lining yourself.

            On how to choose a cutter for lining, see the following video.

            Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

            Entrance hall

            Living room
