Drying for linen: we select the ideal option for the bathroom

In order to comfortably dry the washed laundry, today they invented a lot of devices. They occupy a minimum of space, can withstand heavy loads and can be almost imperceptible to the eye. In this article, the varieties of clothes dryers will be presented, their features will also be considered.

Types and features

By design, all dryers are divided into simple (without additional mechanisms), folding (with special valves, with which you can increase the area for hanging) and sliding / sliding (built-in grooves allow you to quickly move the dryer).

And at the place of attachment of the dryer can be divided into wall, floor and ceiling. There are also portable models that can be placed anywhere.

Wall mounted

Wall mounted dryers are the most popular version of the products. When installing, make sure that the wall is strong and leave enough space for the dryer to unfold. Not all models provide a large load, but almost all provide the opportunity to save space.

There are many types of wall dryers:

  • inertial folding;
  • in the form of an accordion;
  • telescopic;
  • elevator dryers;
  • folding;
  • stationary.

Inertial folding dryers are two parts installed opposite each other on the walls. Coil with ropes attached to one, hooks - to another. Ropes need to be pulled out and fastened by hooks. In the folded position, such a model almost does not take up space, and in a disassembled can accommodate a lot of linen.

The “accordion” type dryer is attached to one wall and, if necessary, is moved apart according to the accordion principle. The role of the ropes in such a dryer is performed by thin tubes that do not leave any creases on dried laundry. The number of these tubes varies from 5 to 10 pieces. Often the dimensions of such models are not suitable for drying bed linen. Installed products in the bathrooms, they are very compact in assembled form.

Telescopic dryers are advanced using another mechanism.Such models can be put forward completely or half. They are designed for drying light things like socks, T-shirts, shirts.

Dryer type "elevator" is the most versatile. Often it is placed on the balcony or in the bathroom. It takes up little space, but you can place quite a lot of linen on it. Such a dryer is rather a wall-ceiling, because some of its parts can be attached to the ceiling. The design has the following appearance: two strips with metal tubes are attached to the wall, thanks to a special mechanism, these tubes can be lowered to the desired level and then lifted with hanging laundry.

Such a dryer allows you to hang things on different levels, so that they are better ventilated. The mechanism can withstand up to 25 kg of clothes, for which it is considered the most durable and convenient.

Folding dryer also maintains a decent weight, but has a slightly different design. She can lean back at any angle. Folding or unfolding takes seconds, and the number and width of partitions can be selected by yourself. Often the design is placed in the bathroom or on the balcony.

    Stationary wall-mounted dryer is the most common option. It consists of two strips attached to opposite walls. There are ropes between them. The most convenient way to equip such a device on the balcony. The length of the ropes depends on the dimensions of the balcony, it will also be equal to the length of the ceiling.

    There is also a roller dryer, with which you can greatly facilitate the process of hanging clothes. In the slats there is a roller system, allowing you to pull the rope, thereby moving it along the way of hanging.


      Ceiling dryers have more complex mechanisms than the wall, and are used less frequently. Their main advantage is space saving. The design and size of such dryers can be made absolutely by anyone.

      There are several types:

      • Dryer "liana" or "elevator" has tubes for hanging, which was described above.
      • Ceiling accordion has the same mechanism as the wall model, only it is fixed on the ceiling. Both ropes and tubes can be used in them.
      • Suspended. It is designed for drying lightweight clothing and has a very primitive device: a hook with a strap, on which clothespins can be additionally attached.These are usually short-lived plastic models, but there are more reliable variations of metal and wood.


      Outdoor folding dryers are mobile and can be delivered in any room. In addition, in the folded position, they occupy a minimum of space. Completion of such models may be completely different. But the main elements are unchanged: the frame (of various shapes), fixed legs attached to it and a retainer that does not allow the dryer to suddenly develop. Some models have wheels for easy movement.

      Floor dryers have many important advantages:

      • There is no need to install and assemble the structure, you can start using it immediately after purchase.
      • In the folded position, the dryer takes up very little space and can fit in a closet or closet. For small apartments is a significant plus.
      • Most models withstand heavy loads.
      • Standard models can be purchased at a fairly low price.
      • Designs made of quality materials can serve for many years even with frequent use.
      • The ease of construction allows you to easily transfer it if necessary.

      The disadvantages include only a long process of drying clothes. It can be reduced by placing the dryer in a well ventilated area.

      Floor dryers can be vertical. In them, the plane with the ropes are located above each other. Their height can be adjusted and reach two meters. Such models are called shelves, they are often installed in the shower stalls.


      Portable dryers are suitable for small apartments (rooms). They are convenient for their compactness and can be installed on the battery, bath, door, cabinet. The only negative is that a lot of things can not be dried at once.


      If there is a need for quick drying, electric models are perfect. In them, the process is faster, compared to rope structures, due to heating.

      Electric laundry dryers for the bathroom today are very popular. The design does not need to be connected to the hot water supply, unlike the standard towel dryer (coil). All you need is network access.

      The main feature of electric drying is the heating element, which is in mineral or natural oil. Another fluid may be used.The main thing is that it conducts heat well.

      Thanks to the oil, the tubes warm up evenly and wet things dry out very quickly.

      Owners of such models have the following advantages:

      • The linen gets pleasant aroma after drying.
      • The heating temperature can be adjusted.
      • You can purchase a model with an ultraviolet lamp or ionizer in the configuration.
      • You can install the dryer anywhere in the bathroom, because its device is not connected to the pipeline and does not depend on the supply of hot water.
      • Operating time is regulated manually.
      • The temperature inside the tubes does not rise above 60 degrees. This allows you to gently dry delicate fabrics and not burn yourself when touched.
      • An electric dryer can be useful as an additional source of heat.

      Of course, some fabrics cannot be dried in such devices. But this is often written on the tag things.

      The disadvantages include only the consumption of electricity, but many note that the advantages of the device compensate for this nuance.

      Bath dryers

      There are miniature models of dryers that need to be installed directly on the bath.Usually they have rubber tips on the legs, which fix the structure well and do not allow it to roll off the edges.

      According to the principle of such a dryer is similar to the sliding floor model, only after use it is removed. They are also called umbrella models. On average, they can withstand up to 10 kilograms of wet clothes.

      Battery Dryers

      Such miniature options are well suited for drying small things for the entire heating season. The heat from the batteries rather quickly dries out at no cost. Battery dryers can replace the electrical model in the winter. They are small and can be stored anywhere.

      The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing such a dryer is the attachment mechanism to the radiator. In many apartments there are still old-style batteries in the form of an accordion, and not every one of them is suitable for fastening such a design. First you need to measure the battery and compare its length with the length of the dryer. It is also worth considering that a low-quality dryer can deteriorate under the influence of high temperature, coming from the battery.

      Drum dryer

      Outwardly, such a dryer is very similar to an ordinary washing machine.The mechanism includes a drum in which the laundry is dried. Drum dryers dry faster than all other varieties - from 30 minutes to an hour. But there is a nuance: clothes and underwear after such drying will be very wrinkled, and it will be harder to smooth them.

      Another controversial issue is the need to connect a drum dryer to the sewer system so that it can take away moisture. This requires additional financial costs and the involvement of specialists.

      Mounting methods

      If we consider the model based on the method of their attachment, then there are few options. The design can be built into the wall, suspended from the ceiling, or be mobile.

      Outboard dryer

      The design consists of plastic tubes, in which the ropes are stretched. The dryer is attached to the ceiling, and the slats are easily lowered to hang clothes and then raised by dragging the desired ropes. The mechanism can be fixed both above the bathroom and on the balcony.

      Stationary dryer

      The easiest option for self-production: the required number of hooks is fastened to the opposite walls, and between them the clothesline is stretched.Tension can always be adjusted.

      By stationary can be attributed to any model that is attached to the wall (panels) and does not move. For those who do not like the suspended ceiling system, they invented balcony hangers, which are removed from the hooks after the laundry dries.


      The material from which the dryer is made is of great importance. The life of the product, its strength and susceptibility to moisture depend on it. There are some of the most common options:

      • Aluminum dryers. They are light, but not sustainable. To prevent aluminum from turning black over time, manufacturers cover the models with a layer of polymer. But this coating, as practice shows, will crack after some time.
      • Stainless steel dryers. This material is ideal for similar designs. Moreover, steel can be made as a body, and strings. It is very strong and durable. The disadvantages include its large weight (which will increase the stability for floor models) and cost.
      • Plastic dryers. The plastic version will not last long, but it is good for its cheapness and lightness. Often, models are used for drying light items (socks or underwear).
      • Wooden dryers. From the aesthetic point of view, these are the most stylish models.But to extend their life, the board should be regularly coated with protective solutions.
      • Combined. Dryers of several materials are less common and often home-made.

      How to do it yourself?

      If the apartment has the necessary tools, then you can assemble the dryer yourself.

      We give a step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of the most simple design

      • First you need to attach two wooden planks on opposite walls (for example, on the balcony).
      • Then in these strips need to screw the ring-screws. Each rope will need two pieces (one on each side). The number of rings in a row depends on personal wishes and the length of the slats.
      • In order for the screws to enter well, you must first make holes for them. The diameter should be slightly smaller than the screws themselves. Before screwing in these holes must be well cleaned.
      • If gaps remain near the screws, they must be sealed to increase the strength of the whole structure.

      For a homemade dryer of this type, you can not cut the rope into pieces, but simply take a whole and stretch it through all the rings. Before starting it is important to carefully inspect the walls of the balcony for cracks and voids. If they are, it is necessary to seal them, otherwise wet clothes may one day outweigh, and the whole structure will collapse. It is also desirable to make a markup on the walls, given the future location of the dryer.

      Production can take an hour and a half and requires only a rope, a pair of wooden boards and about ten screws. Any hostess will cope with such work.

      To make a folding dryer will be more difficult. But, following the step by step instructions, you can handle pretty quickly. For this design will need wooden slats, rods, sheet of plywood or drywall, furniture hinges, hooks, fasteners and paint.


      • First you need to drill holes in the opposite parts of the frame, which in diameter will be equal to the cross-section of the rods.
      • The rods are inserted into the holes. At the ends they can be thinned in order to make it easier to fix them.
      • Next, you need to assemble the frame, holding the elements together with nails.
      • The base of the dryer is prepared, which should be 12–15 cm longer and wider than the frame.
      • The lower level of the frame must be attached to the base with the help of furniture hinges.
      • Then the whole structure needs to be painted with water-based paint and wait until it is completely dry.
      • On the side opposite to the hinges there is a latch for fixing.
      • The folding design is established. It is important to determine the optimum angle for the mechanism so that the clamshell does not take up too much space.
      • Next you need to hang the hooks for small things on the side of the frame.
      • The dryer is attached to the wall with screws.

      You can decorate the product by painting the rods in different colors. It is important to choose shades that will be in harmony with the design of the entire room / balcony.

      The hands can make the floor dryer, which by its design is very similar to the table-book. It may seem that it is rather difficult to make such a construction, but it is not.

      For the manufacture will need:

      • plastic coated chipboard or MDF boards (two side panels - 60 by 20 cm and two at the top and bottom - 70 by 20 cm);
      • self-tapping screws;
      • any parts that act as handles;
      • steel pipes for hanging clothes (20 by 2 mm and 18 by 2 mm);
      • stainless steel rods (10-12 pieces);
      • steel pipes for support, which will fold back (6 pieces);
      • steel pipes for the frame (4 pieces of 60 cm and 4 pieces of 70 cm);
      • steel pipe 18 by 2 mm;
      • nuts;
      • corners (4 pieces);
      • wheels (4 pieces).


      • Boards, forming the future frame, need to be fixed among themselves with the help of steel corners and screws.
      • To the bottom of the structure are mounted wheels.
      • Next, you need to connect the entire body using the screeds on the top. For the manufacture of the frame and the housing will need hinges.
      • In the next step, you need to connect the rods and frame. It is important to keep the same distance between the parts.

      In order to avoid rust, it is desirable to paint the assembled dryer. The design will regularly contact with moisture, it is important to use the paint to extend its service life. First, the entire surface must be degreased (for example, with acetone) and coated with a primer. The best option would be automotive or acrylic paint applied in two layers.

      Such a product can be put in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in any living room. If necessary, it can be folded and removed in seconds.

      To learn how to make a clothes dryer with your own hands out of wood, see the following video.

      Which is better?

      It is possible to identify the main characteristics that are worth paying attention to when buying a clothes dryer:

      • The area of ​​the working surface.It is the sum of the lengths of all the rods (ropes) in the unfolded state. The higher this value, the more massive and expensive the model will be.
      • The number of twigs (ropes). Their number determines the width of the model.
      • The presence of tiers and their number. Tiered designs allow you to place a lot of linen at a time and save space. But their cost will be appropriate.
      • Maximum load. This indicator is determined by the type of construction and material production. Accordingly, the more load the model withstands, the longer it will last. The simplest wall dryers usually withstand about 7-10 kg of things, and outdoor folding and “lianas” - up to 25 kg.
      • Additional details. These include shipping rollers for floor structures that facilitate their movement. The wheels are usually made of rubber or plastic.

      Plastic rubber coated wheels are more practical because they will not leave marks on the floor. A clamp should be attached to them so that after moving the dryer it will not roll away anywhere.

      • The presence of compartments for drying shoes. Standard dryers with a large distance between the strings are not very convenient for placementshoes. Therefore, if you plan to dry your shoes every day, the presence of such compartments should be taken care of in advance.
      • Choosing a dryer, you need to clearly know the future place of its installation. For balconies are more suitable "creepers" and the usual ceiling mechanisms. For placement in the room - floor dryers.
      • It is important when buying to pay attention to the quality of fasteners and ropes. These are the details on which the strength of the structure and its service life directly depend.

      Attention should be paid not only to the material and size of the dryer, but also to its design. It is clear that this thing is completely household, but modern manufacturers sometimes design it as a full-fledged element of decor, so that it is not immediately possible to guess its intended purpose.

      If the location for the dryer is a closed balcony, then you need to take into account some factors:

      • the dimensions of the balcony and its heating;
      • maximum weight of laundry to be dried;
      • wall and ceiling decoration material, repair features.

      If the balcony is quite cold, then you should not fix the structure very close to the ceiling, otherwise the clothes will freeze. The thickness and quality of fasteners directly depends on the weight of things that will be dried.For lightweight clothes, ordinary ropes and a plastic base will do. For blankets or winter clothes you need thick ropes and a metal frame.

      The material of which the house is built also matters. The fact is that in panel buildings it is rather difficult to make ceiling holes, and concrete walls will require special nuts.

      Recommendations for use

      The following rules should be considered when using dryers:

      • If you plan to hang heavy bedding on the ceiling dryer, then you should not make a choice in favor of models with aluminum slats. Most likely, they will not withstand the loads and just bend.
      • Before the final installation of the dryer on the balcony, you can fully open the windows and check whether they will touch the hanging clothes in the future. This is true for owners of spacious balconies in which to avoid this.
      • After each use, the entire design of the dryer must be wiped first with a damp cloth, then dry.
      • If the dimensions of the apartment or bathroom are quite small, then you should pay attention to the vertical dryers. They do not leave scratches on the floor, occupy a minimum of space, are easy to assemble.
      • It is important to carefully squeeze the laundry before hanging. This will reduce the load on the dryer and save the floor from water that may drip from the clothes.
      • On metal structures with frequent use may appear rust. At its first signs, it is necessary to immediately treat this place with an anti-corrosion solution, and it is better to lubricate the entire dryer as a whole.
      • When buying a dryer, it is very important to consider the distance between the ropes (rods, tubes). The longer this distance is, the faster the laundry will dry and it will be more convenient to hang it. The best can be called a distance of 7-9 mm. If this value is less, things will touch each other, and this will significantly increase their drying time. In addition, some things molt, and they need to hang up separately.
      • It is not recommended to buy a dryer, the bars of which are attached by welding, because this most often leads to corrosion. Rolling and plastic caps at the joints will be an excellent alternative. With such a system on the clothes will not form a puff.
      • If you do not plan to remove the dryer for a long time, then you can take care that it fits into the interior of the room,selecting the color of the model under the tile, furniture or curtains.
      • Another nice bonus - drying things in the room in the winter is good for humidifying the air.
      • To extend the life of your dryer, it is important to monitor how the ropes are wiped or structural details fail. This is especially true for plastic models that wear much faster than metal ones. A good manufacturer will carry out wear parts in such a way that they are easy to replace.
      • The most common malfunctions are bracket deformation and gear wear. Again, this is very characteristic of plastic models. You can buy similar parts and repair yourself. Of the tools need only pliers and a screwdriver.
      • To replace the roller wheel, you need to pull out the pin by which it is held. A new gear needs to be fixed with the help of the same rod.
      • There is nothing difficult in replacing cords: they just as easily pass through the bracket as they did during the initial assembly.
      • If a creak is periodically heard when using the dryer, it will not be superfluous to lubricate the friction points with technical oil.Only it is important not to overdo it and wipe off the leftovers so as not to stain your clothes.
      • The problem of a broken bracket is most easily solved by purchasing a new dryer.
      • If you can not fix the dryer yourself, you can trust the experienced craftsmen. They quickly pick up the right part and save time.
      • If the wardrobe has a lot of clothes made of delicate fabrics, you should pay attention to electric dryers with a built-in thermostat. So you can reduce the risk of damage to a minimum.
      • If there is a need for drying hats, it is worth while choosing a model to pay attention to the presence of additional holders for small-sized things.
      • Some models even provide an air ionization feature. For this, a UV lamp is built into the design.
      • Although manufacturers assure complete safety of their products, it is better to err and not allow children to turn on and off electric models on their own. But often the maximum temperature of such models does not exceed 60 degrees, and there is no risk of getting burned.
      • If you plan to place an electric dryer on the balcony, then you should first waterproof it to prevent moisture from entering the mechanism from the outside.
      • When choosing an automatic dryer, you need to pay attention to the labeling, which indicates the energy consumption of a particular model. The letter "A" denotes the most economical models, the letter "G" - the most energy-intensive and powerful.

      If there is no need for maximum power, the choice of a model with an average will be optimal. This will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of the device and not overload the wiring.

      • If there is an urgent need to save space, then you can give preference to installing the dryer outside the apartment, i.e. the street variant. Often it is installed on the outside of the balcony. This option is not very convenient because:
      • The possibility of drying clothes depends on the weather.
      • There is no certainty that clothes will not be blown away by a strong gust of wind.
      • From an aesthetic point of view, this design does not decorate the apartment at all.
      • It is important that all available fixtures of the dryer are metal. Many manufacturers make them plastic, but this only saves money on manufacturing and shortens the life of the structure.
      • In the dryer type "liana" cables can be metal or nylon. And here it is worth making a choice in favor of metal.But if, after all, the choice fell on nylon, then for a long service life they should be no thinner than 3 mm in diameter.
      • In order to understand the design and properly equip it, you must read the instructions. Even if the manufacturer is foreign, liners should be duplicated in Russian. If the instruction is incomprehensible or completely absent, it is worth thinking about the manufacturer’s good faith and the quality of the goods.
      • Particular attention should be paid to the mounting bolts. Often the equipment includes plastic plugs and rather short bolts. When the length of the tubes is more than 1200 mm, the length of the bolts may simply not be enough for reliable fixation. Therefore, acquiring a massive model, it is better to take care of the strength immediately and buy good anchor bolts.
      • In the care of electric dryers, it is imperative to wipe the edges of the ducts with a simple cloth (napkin) without the use of detergents and chemicals.
      • The rotation of the tank in the drum dryer can be one-way or two-way. The latter ensures uniform drying of clothes and accelerates the drying process itself. It is important that the tank was made of stainless steel or other durable metal, otherwise the dryer will not last long.
      • Each automatic dryer has a filter.It accumulates threads, lint, wool and other small parts. When choosing, you need to take into account that this filter is easy enough to get, because it will have to be cleaned regularly by hand.
      • Some automatic dryers even have an ironing mode. Things rotate in a drum in a certain way, blown with cold air and leave the dryer completely ready for use.

      Manufacturers and reviews

      Determine the appropriate option is easier after getting acquainted with the most popular models of the best manufacturers. Pay attention to the detailed characteristics of high-quality dryers with different functionality.

      Gimi lift 160

      This wall-to-ceiling dryer helps you make the most of the space above the bathtub. It has a fairly strong frame and reliable fasteners. Production material - stainless steel (brackets and rods), plastic (rollers) and textiles (cords for hanging). This model does not need special care, just wipe it sometimes enough. Humidity is not terrible for her, so many people install it in the bathroom.

      The brackets are attached to the wall or to the ceiling.The roller mechanism allows you to quickly and easily hang clothes, alternately lowering the plastic rods. The total length of the entire surface for linen is 9.5 meters and can accommodate up to 15 kg of linen. After drying, there are no creases on the clothes due to the bars of 1.2 cm in diameter.

      This model is most often fixed in the bathroom, but it is quite suitable for the balcony. Sturdy construction with proper installation and proper care allows the dryer to serve for many years.

      Gimi "Dinamik 30"

      The floor model made of stainless steel. Suitable for installation in any premises. The total length of the steel rails is 27 meters. The package includes sash, which can be flung open, thereby increasing the area of ​​the useful surface. The dryer can be pulled apart and hang curtains or bedding.

      Protective corners are attached to the legs, which do not allow scratches on the floor. The dimensions of the dryer in the unfolded state - 198 (258) cm by 57 cm by 102 cm. In the folded - 116 cm by 57 cm by 10.5 cm.

      Gimi extension

      Another variation of the floor model from the manufacturer Gimi. The dryer is equipped with a telescopic sliding system, wheels and plastic holders for small items. Impressive indicator of maximum load - 25 kg, the total value of working rails - 20 meters is impressive.The model is made of stainless steel with a polymer coating and weighs 5.35 kg. The dryer easily develops and in assembled form does not take a lot of place.

      Eurogold EK Stabilo

      This model is chosen by those who often wash and dry a lot of things. It is especially relevant for a large family, where washing becomes a daily activity. This dryer belongs to the floor structures and has a folding mechanism. It can be installed in any corner of the apartment.

      The design consists of three main elements: a central large compartment, comprising 8 strong rods, and two compartments at the edges for hanging smaller items (each has 5 rods).

      The useful length of this model is 16 m, and the maximum load - 20 kg. Metal construction will not sag under the weight of wet laundry. There is also a pair of plastic parts, but they are placed on the legs and perform the function of protecting the floor from scratches. The dimensions of the dryer are 128 cm by 55 cm by 101 cm.

      Lakmet liana

      This dryer is very compact, but at the same time it has 10 meters of usable length and is often installed in the bathroom or on the balcony under the ceiling. The model includes 5 rods of quite impressive diameter - 1.2 cm.This allows you to dry clothes without the formation of wrinkles. The construction itself is mounted to the ceiling with plastic brackets with rollers, and the rods are arranged horizontally.

      The model is convenient in that the height of the rods is adjustable, which facilitates the process of hanging clothes. This miniature dryer can withstand loads up to 7.5 kg and is well suited for drying bed linen.

      Artmoon blues

      This model is famous for the size of its usable space - more than 20 meters. It consists of 6 ropes with a length of 3.6 m. Such dimensions make it possible to dry several sets of bed linen at once. The most interesting thing is that you can choose the length of the ropes yourself, based on the size of the bathroom or balcony. The tension level can also be selected and locked.

      The model is equipped with a special mechanism that allows the ropes to fully unwind. Thus, you can "hide" the dryer in any room. Its parts are fastened to the opposite walls with screws and dowels. Strong polyester ropes can withstand loads of up to 15 kg.

      Leifheit Tower 190

      The floor-mounted dryer has one major fundamental difference from other models — the vertical design.This feature allows you to place it in the shower. Model dimensions are 160 cm by 60 cm by 60 cm. The model is rather narrow, and this feature limits its functionality. The maximum load is only 6 kg (approximately like a standard automatic dryer), but the average cost of such models is greater than that of a conventional folding dryer.

      Foppapedretti Peter-Panni

      This dryer has an interesting feature - the frame is made of natural beech. The height of the structure is also noticeably different from the standard - 174 cm. On each side and in the center there are folding surfaces with slats.

      Design advantages:

      • When folded, it has a very compact size - 18 cm by 50 cm.
      • The total length of the useful surface is 25 meters.
      • The diameter of the tubes is 8 mm, which prevents wrinkles on the fabric.
      • Castors with protective nylon lining allow you to move the dryer without harming the floor.
      • The middle shelf can be used as a table on which it is convenient to fold clothes taken from the side surfaces.


      • has an impressive weight - 7.8 kg:
      • The average cost is quite high:
      • in working condition takes a lot of space.

      Leifheit Rollquick

      This expandable dryer is very compact and when folded it looks like a small plastic case. Its dimensions are 7 cm by 8 cm by 50 cm. The design can be attached to the wall in the bathroom or any other room: it will practically not be noticeable.

      Before you hang out the laundry, you need to pull the crossbar with 5 thick strings and hook it on the hooks on the opposite wall.

      Design advantages:

      • It does not spoil the general view of the room, being in the folded position.
      • The degree of tension of the cords can be adjusted.
      • Maximum load - 7 kg. For the available dimensions it is a very good indicator.
      • The strings reel automatically.
      • The product is sold at affordable prices.


      • The cords begin to sag over time.
      • It is not always convenient to adjust the tension of the strings due to the fact that they are connected together.

      Granchio-Household Calabria

      The generally accepted universal model. It was created for attachment to the wall, but can be fixed in a horizontal plane. The kit includes 6 strips of 160 cm each, which are fastened with nylon cords. They allow you to lower and raise the crossbar to the desired height.

      Design advantages:

      • The design is the most simple and durable.
      • Crossbars in the form of tubes leave no creases on clothes.
      • Reiki coated with anti-corrosion composition.
      • All necessary fasteners are included.
      • Low cost. Literally everyone can afford such a dryer.


      • White cords get dirty pretty quickly and lose their presentable appearance.
      • The product is not suitable for drying blankets or bedding.

      Badoogi All Mom 2

      This transformer dryer on wheels is equipped with three shelves with 6 crossbars on each of them. Model dimensions are 143 cm by 64 cm. The total length of the surface used is 20 meters.

      The package includes additional plastic holders on which you can hang another 10 hangers. This is very convenient if there are things in the wardrobe made of delicate materials that can not be dried by the usual method.

      Design advantages:

      • Reliable frame withstands loads up to 30 kg.
      • The height of the beams can be independently adjusted and fixed in the desired position.
      • Thanks to the wheels model is easy to move.
      • Folded width is only 22cm. You can store it, simply leaning against the wall or hiding in the closet.
      • Comes with 72 hooks for fixing small items.
      • The impressive distance between the crossbars - 7 cm - allows things to dry faster.
      • The design weighs only 4.6 kg.

      The disadvantage is that all fasteners and holders are made of plastic, which cannot guarantee a long service life of the structure.

      Termolux CD 302 STR

      This is a fairly popular electric folding model. It has the familiar design of a flap-wing table all over, but it dries things many times faster thanks to the built-in electric heater.

      Design advantages:

      • The side parts are raised rather high, which allows to dry large items (for example, long curtains).
      • The strings are heated to an optimum temperature of 50-55 degrees Celsius.
      • The maximum load of the dryer is 15 kg, which is a very good indicator for electric models.
      • Economical energy consumption is about 0.22 kW.
      • The total length of the working surface is 12.5 meters.
      • The price of the product is quite affordable compared to other electric dryers.

      The disadvantage is that things dry out unevenly - they quickly become dry on top and remain wet from below.This happens because the heating is carried out only in the area of ​​the strings.

      Beautiful examples

      • Telescopic wall-mounted dryer is a great option for placement above the battery. In the folded state, such a model will not attract too much attention, and in the unfolded it will be able to accommodate a sufficient amount of laundry.
      • The design of the folding floor dryer is very interesting. Such a thing is a decoration rather than a practical household item: the use of wood for the dryer frame is undesirable. But such a model, even with things hung on it, looks very stylish and original.
      • The model, which is popularly called the bookcase, has a shelf for drying shoes, which is very practical. Of course, the bookcase is not designed for hanging bed linen, but it is great for drying simple clothes. It is also nice that the design is folded to very small sizes.
      • The dryer, which is attached only to the bath, is often used to dry small towels or rags. It is quite convenient because the water flows directly into the bath, and you do not need to put something under or constantly wipe the floor.
      • Folding design is convenient primarily for its vertical location and the ability to place clothes directly on hangers. This is convenient when drying clothes that can not be dried in the usual way.
      • Dryer with folding design looks very stylish and favorably complements the interior. In the folded position it is not even visible that this is a dryer.
      • The standard design of the dryer-vines looks interesting. If you choose the color of the model for the interior trim of the balcony, then in the folded position, it almost will not stand out.
      • The easiest option - retractable dryers for the balcony. When the laundry is not hung, it is almost invisible. Some owners paint the slats with the same paint as the walls to mask the fixture as much as possible.

      For information on how to choose the right clothes dryer, see the following video.

      Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

      Entrance hall

      Living room
